US Politics Thread

Just have to look past Trump’s blathering and vague campaign platform to the ‘2025 Presidential Transition Plan’ (aka Project 2025) to learn what the MAGA apparatus actually plan to do if they regain the presidency. Trump, in many ways, is merely a demented figurehead for the Christian white nationalist movement that seeks to use him to move the US to a theocratic oligarchy.
True. But he's started denying any link to it in his campaign speeches. So Republicans are voting for someone who denies he's going to do what all his backers and staff have drafted up for him to do.

It's bonkers, any normal functioning political party would call this BS out and move on to someone else. But the GOP is now a cult and you just have to belive in MAGA whatever that may be.
True. But he's started denying any link to it in his campaign speeches. So Republicans are voting for someone who denies he's going to do what all his backers and staff have drafted up for him to do.

It's bonkers, any normal functioning political party would call this BS out and move on to someone else. But the GOP is now a cult and you just have to believe in MAGA whatever that may be.
Agreed. I was just highlighting that there are very comprehensive policy documents (no matter how much Trump disingenuously denies his connection to a plan authored by a team filled with former and current admin/campaign staffers), and this election is as much about policy as it is personality.
OK, so last time was an exception, possibly, but the point generally stands.

Not arguing with you mate I agree, politicians both sides of the pond understand that there are people who look at politics almost as a hobby and then there are the majority who just seem to digest what's given to them.

Social media is king right now it's easier and easier to get a good/bad/lie across than it has ever been. Even when they have these big political rallies they are only really preaching to the converted.
Harris makes it interesting but the USA should really get back, as should the UK, to concentrating on policies rather than personalities.

Like it or not, politics has always been about personalities and, since the television age, appearances. In the radio age, it was about voices. Churchill's gravelly voice played very well over the radio. At least, in wartime. In peace time, not so well. Policies took the upper hand over appearances, and people wanted Attlee's policies rather than Churchill's.
It is about policies as well, obviously.
Arguably, Kennedy was the first U.S. president to fully benefit from the tv age. It wasn't just that what he said seemed to make a lot of sense. He just looked heroic (in the American mould, obviously). Nixon just looked creepy (and had that unfortunate Desperate Dan chin shadow problem).
Personally, Harris's throwing her hat into the ring has completely galvanised this election for me. I can't remember being this interested since… I suppose, Obama's first presidential campaign. And I was utterly bored by it before. It just seemed like a foregone (and appalling) conclusion.
The American presidentials just go on and on and on, and I shall certainly tune out at some point, until about October. But I'm very curious to see whether Trump simply persists with his bull-in-a-china-shop persona (some of which, I suspect, is more controlled and calculated than we believe). It just won't work with Harris, and I do suspect his advisors will want him to rein it in a little.
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How does that explain how the effervescent Joe Biden got in? I agree with you to a point it's more about a cultish xfactor behaviour from a lot of voters.

I'm utterly convinced that for a lot of Democrat voters it was more an over-my-dead-body anti-Trump vote than anything else.

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