US Politics Thread

Inevitable I guess.

The timing helps keep the momentum and vibes going.

Dems are set to have a really strong conference. The mood could not be more different from the week following the 1st debate. That is now ancient history.

As I keep saying. Too early to look at polls. Things happen. Events unseen and beyond the control of campaigns are what really shift the dial.
The Republicans are slowly ramping up the Project 2025 rhetoric; I think when most non-psycho Americans wake up to the terrifying reality of what this means, the voting intentions will shift.
Shit like this is what worries me.

I would imagine the worst case is that Harris wins red swing states and they send unfaithful electors to Congress. The gop then needs 100% loyalty to agree fraudulent votes. That is a huge deal. Its going to trash what's left of their credibility if they can do it. And assuming they do Harris would not certify. And then it would end up at SCOTUS. If they rule in favor of the GOP again its all their credibility shot and a full constitutional crisis blatantly brought fwd by the GOP.

At that point the gloves are of and it's practically civil war. It's not a clear view to winnin. It's blatant fraud and it gives Biden grounds to use his immunity. Send in the seal team.

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