See issues and political news with news bias revealed. Non-partisan, crowd-sourced technology shows all sides so you can decide.
I read all sides. No one here has a monopoly on the truth.
As the late senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, famously quipped, "You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts." And therein lies the problem with your self-proclaimed, "neutral" analysis. The Right now traffics largely in lies and distortion - facts be damned.
By way of analogy, attempting to provide an "unbiased view" of Democratic versus Republican opinion is - in most instances - akin to giving equal weight to both sides of a debate about whether or not the earth is only a few thousand years old. On the one hand you have science and overwhelming proof - on the other you have fact-free, zealous opinion.
The mission of AllSides, seems to be to categorize each news outlet as Right, Central or Left-leaning - and then to provide "balanced" coverage by citing articles from each outlet - let the reader decide what's true. Continuing the analogy - the science-based 4 billion (or so) years-old earth position would be given equal coverage versus the 2000-years-old earth belief. AllSides lets you decide - just read both sides and form an opinion. Which is patently ridiculous.
Why is this ridiculous? It's because the reader is extremely unlikely to be in any sort of position to judge carefully established fact from opinion, misinformation and lies - the reader is likely not an expert on the subject matter. The reader is thus put into the position of having to rely on the veracity of each news source, thereby giving equal weight to fact versus opinion.
As an aside, my own brother is now an "expert" on climate change and vaccine efficacy having "thoroughly researched" both topics on Twitter. AllSides is to its viewers as Twitter is to my brother.
Who founded AllSides and what might their bias be?:
And here's a gem from AllSides:
AllSides is a site who's goal is to advance conservative opinion under the guise of neutrality - seeking to undermine science as biased and therefore, not trustworthy. As "proof" of their neutrality they offer articles from different sides on any number of topics regardless of fact - the message is that you personally are a better judge of fact than subject matter professionals.