US Politics Thread

He just had a cold. He is fine. He has a stutter. Has always had one. He is just fine. He has a cold that was bothering him...He is as sharp as a tack.

This is just much ado about nothing.
The reporting even now is so bizarre. It’s like “you haven’t really just watched what you think you’ve watched, what you should have watched is this”
Mental stuff.
Absolutely clueless. Embarrassing to watch. Rambling, incoherent, making no sense at all, it makes you ask serious questions about the people behind the scenes. Should do the decent thing and resign, rather than continue to humiliate the nation on the world stage.

But that's enough about Gareth Southgate.
Wow. No wonder the world is such a mess. Biden has clearly not been running things, it explains why so many have taken advantage of America's weakness these past few years.

Trump isn't much better but he's better than Biden. Pretty sorry state of affairs that these are the two candidates.
What a load of unmitigated shite.
Looks like Mad Donald back in then. Cant see them changing candidates at this stage, these days anyway. In days of yorn, the party convention for Dems anyway was to select a candidate but it seems these days its just a publicity event. Back in the day, Adlai Stevenson was hedging about for nomination all the time and got it twice. When JFK got it it was close, they were bartering about for nomination between him and LBJ and Stevenson again. RFK was scrapping about at exactly this time of year at primary season. Its all done early in the year now, seemed to change in the 80s and 90s, it was all done before? Unless Im wildly wrong, which I secretly know Im not. I think they will have to rethink this and think again. Newsome? Buttigieg I think would be great. Cant see them going for Harris. Uncle Joe it may have to be
Anyone who hasn’t been posting here all along and has suddenly shown up in the last 48 hours is a ****. That’s not an opinion; it’s a fact.

I said this in Feb, can I post here?

"I'd just like to know if the person who is considered to be the most powerful person in the world is capable of the job. I tend to agree that it doesn't look that way anymore. Unfortunately, the alternative is worse."
You think Biden did well last night?
No, he doesn’t, but he knows 100% that Trump is a fascistic, rapist, paedophile associating, mysoginistic, failed businessman, lifetime liar, Putin patsy, early onset dementia victim, drug addict, treasonous politician, that is quite happy to throw a lot of the world under the bus, because… well… because some narcissists have never had to take the consequences of their actions, and the delusions of grandeur manifesting in his combover fake tan head are the signs of the largest napoleon complex, since napoleon got it named.
Wow. No wonder the world is such a mess. Biden has clearly not been running things, it explains why so many have taken advantage of America's weakness these past few years.

Trump isn't much better but he's better than Biden. Pretty sorry state of affairs that these are the two candidates.
Trump isn`t much better?
It seems they are both slipping the leash. but Trump is by far one of the biggest cunts to ever be the leader of the western world and the most dangerous by far

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