US Politics Thread

AOC has announced her intention to file articles of impeachment against the SCOTUS judges. Should be interesting, but the democrats will need to win the House for the case to get anywhere. She is a very determined and ferocious woman.

I like AOC and am a firm believer that if you’re not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

That said, impeachment has no teeth as long as it is decided on by politicians. There’s no way two thirds of the Senate vote to convict even if they get it through the House.

Even if Senators agree with the fundamental principles of the impeachment, they know the ramifications are that they would need to appoint new members of SCOTUS hand-picked by Biden. The GOP senators will see that as a greater evil.
AOC has announced her intention to file articles of impeachment against the SCOTUS judges. Should be interesting, but the democrats will need to win the House for the case to get anywhere. She is a very determined and ferocious woman.
Thomas would jump before they got to him.

I like AOC she's like a dog with a tug rope who won't let go.
Great conversation, which (I hope) is helping people put Trump into some context.

The genius of Trump, though, has been his ability to gaslight a very specific segment of the American public by making them believe a supposed silver spoon billionaire understands their plight and is their savior.

His not so subtle racism and hate of “other” (under the guise of America First) is like cream to a cat and he has co-opted the patriotic symbology of America. However, in stark contrast to Reagan, he has done so by creating a very dark, almost apocalyptic vision of America today, as opposed to the “shining city on a hill.” This imagery itself was from a 1630 sermon by John Winthrop, a Puritan who led the original Massachusetts Colony and helped establish the original governance of the first colonies. In short, a reference back to an original patriot, puritanical in belief and a white male at a time when white males made the rules and enforced them.

America First, combining the imagery of George Washington alongside swastikas and emoting Nazism, was the cornerstone of the American Bund, a movement that held great sway over 1930s American whites and was not entirely peripheral to American apathy towards Hitler and the Nazi movement in the 40s.

And here we sit, with a bigoted, nationalistic, felonious ex-President, whose father was arrested at a Klan rally, and who, in a full page tombstone in the NYT, called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, black men who, it turned out, were not even guilty, running for a second term of office.

If it were not so absurd and dangerous, it could be an hilarious parody of American politics written by Iannucci.

Sadly, it is America’s current reality, albeit with every ounce of absurdity and danger possible.
Plus the cunts a pedo.

AOC has announced her intention to file articles of impeachment against the SCOTUS judges. Should be interesting, but the democrats will need to win the House for the case to get anywhere. She is a very determined and ferocious woman.
It's the right thing to do. It'll ultimately go nowhere as other posters have commented. But it should serve to fire up the base and, one hopes, to draw the attention of undecided voters to ongoing corruption in SCOTUS.
It’s nearly always Florida or Texas…

A network of Russia-based websites masquerading as local American newspapers is pumping out fake stories as part of an AI-powered operation that is increasingly targeting the US election, a BBC investigation can reveal.

A former Florida police officer who relocated to Moscow is one of the key figures behind it.
It’s nearly always Florida or Texas…

A network of Russia-based websites masquerading as local American newspapers is pumping out fake stories as part of an AI-powered operation that is increasingly targeting the US election, a BBC investigation can reveal.

A former Florida police officer who relocated to Moscow is one of the key figures behind it.
I really wouldn't worry about this issue. Biden will simply fire space lasers at these fakers and that'll be the end of that!

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