US Politics Thread

I don’t believe you. And, to quote you, “and don't say it wouldn't be because you are completely lying and/or in denial.”

What’s good for the goose, etc.

Did you ever stop to think about why they might be treated differently? Between a quote on tape from a presidential candidate and the musings of a teenage girl in her diary? Do have a single clue how responsible reporters and media operate?

No. You don’t.

Why would I lie about who I vote on a forum of strangers who have no idea who I am?

You think I give a fuck if you or anyone on here believes me or not? I'm just engaging in conversation, not to lie about what I believe.

I've never voted a right wing party in my life, I just try to be objective when having conversation, I'm a curious person that likes to understand why people think what they think and like to question things.

you have no idea about mine or my family history, I'm first generation British that would never vote to the right for many reasons close to home :) it doesn't mean i have to fawn over anybody on the left though, if there's a reason to be critical.

I voted Labour last week, yet I have no real confidence in them, but it's better than the alternatives. I'm sure I'd be the same if I was in USA

I don't think Joe Biden is or ever was a decent man, that's all. Does it mean I'm right wing?? No.

You're a simpleton if you think someome is right wing for simply stating they don't like Joe Biden. But i must be simple for talking to ignorant thicko's like you on here and expecting a rational conversation without being labled something I'm not just for having an opinion, especially when they know nothing about me or my background.
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He's occasionally mixing up the odd word or name whilst he's trying not to stutter. It's something he's done all his political career The media are jumping on him every single time, whilst simultaneously ignoring the other guys rambling, constant word salad. There is only one guy talking gibberish and it isn't Biden.
Well we shall have to agree to dissagree on this one.
Shots fired at trump rally. He got whisked away pretty sharpish, bloodied up but hard to tell if it was from being pushed to the ground by security.
The media are pushing the agenda that Biden is past it because political turmoil and conflict sells.

If they were being genuine and honest in their reporting, Biden would be leading Trump by double figures.
The media set the narrative and do what is best for their master’s. And master’s can be anybody, anybody who has the most money, most influence, they don’t have to have the interest of the country at heart, don’t even have to be a citizen, or live there.

Control the narrative, control power.

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