US Politics Thread

Thank fuck we have the delegate for OAN/Newsmax on here for balance.

It's always weird seeing so many people arguing with Dax. He openly supports a racist pedophile rapist, he's obviously completely amoral and has no logic to his arguments. At best he's just a troll that should have banned years ago but gets away with it by virtue of pretending to voice a minority view, and at worse he endorses Trump's rapes and other crimes.
Think the timing of this will work quite nicely in Harris's favour. Trump's gone all in on the attack ads claiming Biden was too old etc, everything will have been angled to try and show Trump as being 'change' whereas now both candidates can claim to be change. Hoping Harris is going to tear that racist piece of shit to pieces in the debates and put this fucking maga bullshit to bed.
Think the timing of this will work quite nicely in Harris's favour. Trump's gone all in on the attack ads claiming Biden was too old etc, everything will have been angled to try and show Trump as being 'change' whereas now both candidates can claim to be change. Hoping Harris is going to tear that racist piece of shit to pieces in the debates and put this fucking maga bullshit to bed.
Doubt Trump will do any debates because there’s only downside for him being exposed by a sharp mind who speaks coherently. On the other hand his ego might make him overrule advice because of his ridiculously overinflated opinion of himself.
i think you’re wrong. I think she can, but I don’t know if she will.

The only thing that really matters is that she's got a better chance than Biden, who after the last 6 weeks was clearly heading to a defeat, and she's got a better chance than anyone else because she's got name recognition and $130m no one else can use.
Think the timing of this will work quite nicely in Harris's favour. Trump's gone all in on the attack ads claiming Biden was too old etc, everything will have been angled to try and show Trump as being 'change' whereas now both candidates can claim to be change. Hoping Harris is going to tear that racist piece of shit to pieces in the debates and put this fucking maga bullshit to bed.

Wouldn’t get your hopes up she’s embarrassing
Biden steps down, Harris to take over Democrat nomination. Most I suspect are happy with this. Surely as UK residents we dont need to know much more than this as headline news. The details and endless analysis can be presented on so called back pages.

Wouldnt it be better for the actions and policies of our new government and other UK events plus world events to make the headlines. Instead the BBC and to an extent Sky have seemingly gone into overdrive about the US election and all it's implications. The BBC did this 4 years ago and got rightly criticised by some for their endless coverage, when im convinced the majority of people in the UK are not that bothered.

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