US Politics Thread

Musk is no surprise - I don't think anyone expects anything that would stand up to scrutiny but he's got the bully pulpit to go wild.

It would seem a bit odd to not allow some method of passing on the campaign fund, as accidents happen. Grey is good!
My understanding I that the funds the campaign has raised are totally legit for her to use. But if she dropped out then there would be an issue.

I think that helps the dems as it makes the logical choice a slam dunk.
Not sure that’s the best barometer for her prospects. You could show pretty much any politician in the modern era in a reel like that, incanting some mantra that they’ve been honed to repeat. Like Sunak talking of Labour having ‘no plan’, or Starmer talking about ‘chaos’ with the Tories.
It reeks of desperation to me

The raving right has nothing else to chuck at her.
The implications for Europe and the UK for the presidential election are greater than for any, post WW2. It’s hugely newsworthy as it will shape our direction of travel for the next decade and beyond.
The US will elections will shape our direction of travel for over the next 10 years? I don't think so myself. And the point is nothing has happened or will happen until November and most people in our country are not interested. I bet it's only a small proportion of the UK population that feel the need to know Kamala Harris inside leg measurement etc etc.

Sure they will have some influence. But it clearly won't be as much as our own government or even Europes influence. By many accounts we still work much closer with Europe than the US even after Brexit.
Biden steps down, Harris to take over Democrat nomination. Most I suspect are happy with this. Surely as UK residents we dont need to know much more than this as headline news. The details and endless analysis can be presented on so called back pages.

Wouldnt it be better for the actions and policies of our new government and other UK events plus world events to make the headlines. Instead the BBC and to an extent Sky have seemingly gone into overdrive about the US election and all it's implications. The BBC did this 4 years ago and got rightly criticised by some for their endless coverage, when im convinced the majority of people in the UK are not that bothered.
I would argue that the outcome of the US election is as important to the future of the UK as the outcome of the GE was, due to foreign, economic, and military policy implications for the next few decades (especially if Trump wins).

So, whilst I tend to agree US politics gets more regular coverage than it likely should, at the expense of exposure to some important UK stories and analysis, I think some level of regular exposure is vital to informing UK citizens of what to expect over the next 10 years (and beyond).

And the build up to the election will provide quite a lot of important context to what happens after.
The US will elections will shape our direction of travel for over the next 10 years? I don't think so myself. And the point is nothing has happened or will happen until November and most people in our country are not interested. I bet it's only a small proportion of the UK population that feel the need to know Kamala Harris inside leg measurement etc etc.

Sure they will have some influence. But it clearly won't be as much as our own government or even Europes influence. By many accounts we still work much closer with Europe than the US even after Brexit.
If Trump wins Europe will be heavily impacted, both economically and militarily, as the MAGA party want to implement a strong isolationist policy, empowering Putin and weakening the EU, with a view to dissolving NATO (and that’s ignoring the impacts on Europe of a US trade war with China, which Trump et al also want to instigate), which in turn has very big implications for the UK.

You have to look beyond your own pieces and see the entire board, mate.
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Doubt Trump will do any debates because there’s only downside for him being exposed by a sharp mind who speaks coherently. On the other hand his ego might make him overrule advice because of his ridiculously overinflated opinion of himself.
He's in a no win situation. If he does, she'll tear him apart, if he doesn't, he'll look like a coward.
There does seem to be an obsession on here about US politics. Over 1750 pages, and counting.

By the way; back pages are generally about sport!

US politics decides world politics and thus UK politics.

They are our biggest trade partner. If trump implements his 10% tariff on all imports, our economy will be decimated.

If Trump pulls out US support for Ukraine and NATO, our entire defence policy and structure is destroyed and will need to be redesigned from the ground up, probably with much much closer ties to the EU.

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