US Politics Thread

Not sure that’s the best barometer for her prospects. You could show pretty much any politician in the modern era in a reel like that, incanting some mantra that they’ve been honed to repeat. Like Sunak talking of Labour having ‘no plan’, or Starmer talking about ‘chaos’ with the Tories.
Kamala is particularly silly with it. Not that it matters, but she is a decidedly poor politician.

You just have to hope identity and shenanigans outside her control can carry her through.

In 2020, the more people got to know her the lower her % of support went.

Unless she has been in the oratory lab the last 4 years, I expect a decidedly poor speaker with a lot of canned crap that isn't half as intelligent as she seems to think it should be and someone who is extremely slow of the cuff.
If Trump wins Europe will be heavily impacted, both economically and militarily, as the MAGA party want to implement a strong isolationist policy, empowering Putin and weakening the EU, with a view to dissolving NATO (and that’s ignoring the impacts on Europe of a US trade war with China, which Trump et al also want to instigate), which in turn has very big implications for the UK.

You have to look beyond your own pieces and see the entire board, mate.
Fine, on a personal level I know all the risks of a Trump win. But the election isn't until November!! I'm convinced the general British public aren't interested in this endless coverage 4mths before the event. There are far more urgent issues that need discussing and reporting on especially with a new government!

For example, half way down the BBC Web page is a small article on Universties being told to manage their own budgets by the new education secretary. There is much more to this story tho. When you look at the way Universities have spent money the last 10years. Yet this isnt even discussed.
Fine, on a personal level I know all the risks of a Trump win. But the election isn't until November!! I'm convinced the general British public aren't interested in this endless coverage 4mths before the event. There are far more urgent issues that need discussing and reporting on especially with a new government!

For example, half way down the BBC Web page is a small article on Universties being told to manage their own budgets by the new education secretary. There is much more to this story tho. When you look at the way Universities have spent money the last 10years. Yet this isnt even discussed.
We agree that there should be less coverage of the US election in favour of more coverage of UK issues.

I think we may just disagree on where the optimal balance lies for a fully informed citizenry, given what happens politically in the US has significant impacts on the UK.
She? The whole of MSNBC is like the politics thread on Blue Moon... A bunch of deranged lefties who can't stomach any dissent or counter opinion.

I mean, the only good Republican is a Dead Republican in their eyes.

I’m sorry John McCain and many, many other Republicans are dead personally. Because actual ones would have been out there with Liz Cheney calling out the visceral stupidity and monstrous amorality of the American traitor you support.

But we all know Trump could rape your wife, steal all your possessions and BBQ your dog and you’d still vote for him. Because “policies”. So maybe I’d also like it if those dead Republicans called out the amorality of Trump’s supporters too.
Happy to be bring some balance to the lunacy that's Bluemoon's US politics thread.

I know you assholes do your best to hound our any opposing view.

You are like MSNBC who couldn't handle and ex-Republican chair being hired as an analyst. God forbid she has a different opinion.

Same here.
Amoral people wonder why moral people don’t want to hang with them, film at 11.
You are like MSNBC who couldn't handle and ex-Republican chair being hired as an analyst. God forbid she has a different opinion.

A perfect encapsulation of Dax's bullshit.

No one at MSNBC had a problem with an Ex-RNC chair being hired on the network. We know that because Michael Steele has been working there for 15 years.

The problem was Ronna McDaniel, not because she was the RNC chair, but because she spent years making false accusations of voter fraud and claiming that the democratically elected president of the United States had stolen the 2020 election.

Not only that, but she described January 6th as "Legitimate political discourse". Because nothing says Legitimate discourse like trying to murder the Vice-President, leading Democrat politicians and murdering multiple police officers.

You are a dishonest, despicable piece of shit Dax who endorses a rapist, and you still haven't learned that people won't fall for your low quality bullshit.

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