US Politics Thread

I know that's what he said. I used the term black because I'm not an out of touch racist.

I wasn't sure whether he objected to her going to the sorority meeting just because it was a black sorority (irrespective of his calling it "coloured"), or because she went to a sorority meeting rather than attend Netanyahu's propaganda show.
Not even close, but even if you were right the term here is "historical", you can't get rid of racism without removing it.

What's weird is that this whole episode in US politics is driven by race and other minority interests other than the economy and the real issues.

I think you’re a bit off base here mate but I kind of see where you’re coming from and might have had a similar perspective a while back.

My wife’s least favourite phrase in the world that she gets told all the time is “I’m colour blind, I don’t see race.”

It comes from a good place, this idea that we should look past people’s differences. But to achieve anything resembling equality you have to first identify the barriers to equality and you can’t do that if you go around under the pretence that equality is about ignoring race and pretending it was never a thing. People are different and they have vastly different historical, cultural and socioeconomic contexts. Those differences aren’t rooted in race itself, they’re rooted in societies perceptions of race.

These colleges grew up out of necessity. A necessity that was imposed on them by the US’ history of segregation. They created spaces to help each other out of that situation, and that created a unique culture that was community-centric, anti-establishment, progressive and focused on promoting the cause of people from low socioeconomic and ethnic minority backgrounds. That culture isn’t about being black, it’s about how being black has impacted people’s lives.

We can’t now put the genie back in the bottle and say these places and their history should be erased and they should be “normalized” to wider American culture. They are in the world because of the actions of white people and they are not doing anything wrong by existing as a space for those America has repeatedly shafted for centuries. They aren’t saying no to white people, they are advocating for those who are often left behind - because this isn’t all about history, race still heavily impacts people’s lives today and we can’t just suddenly ignore that in the name of equality because it’s convenient for us.

And if you don’t believe me then maybe trust old Albert?

I think I’d previously viewed Kamala Harris as your typical milquetoast centre right uninspiring but reasonably competent political bod. Trying to be progressive but not really strong enough to make reform happen and therefore she just ended up looking like a cog in the machine for institutions which have a long history of oppressing lower socioeconomic demographics.

But I have to say, the more I hear from her… she is kinda growing on me. I find it hard to place her but I’m starting to come round to thinking that maybe her judicial baggage makes her look less progressive than she actually is in reality. I’m starting to suspect she might have a more radical streak in her.

Also I’ve heard she is “brat”. Whatever that means.
She is brat means she is true to herself. Taken from the album by Charli XCX.
Listened to a bit of Kamala Harris today. She speaks very well, and seemed clued up.
She has hit the right themes. We look forward, they look back. We aim to help all Americans, they aim to help billionaires. We aim to revive the rights of women, they want to take women back to the dark days. Etc etc.
I am optimistic. If they get people on the ground getting the vote out she can win. 20,000 volunteers have signed up.
She has hit the right themes. We look forward, they look back. We aim to help all Americans, they aim to help billionaires. We aim to revive the rights of women, they want to take women back to the dark days. Etc etc.
I am optimistic. If they get people on the ground getting the vote out she can win. 20,000 volunteers have signed up.
I think the abortion issue has become more pivotal now. It’s much easier for a women to campaign on this issue than an old man and I think there could be quite a few silent famales who vote Democrat who won’t even tell their spouse where they’ve cast their vote.
I think the abortion issue has become more pivotal now. It’s much easier for a women to campaign on this issue than an old man and I think there could be quite a few silent famales who vote Democrat who won’t even tell their spouse where they’ve cast their vote.
There have been several local elections where abortion has been a major issue. The democrats have won them all, even in Republican strongholds.

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