If you're a senator and genuinely concerned about something happening in your constituency surely you do a bit of investigating, make some calls, maybe even pay a visit and see for yourself.
What you don't do is go on TV and lie about the legal status of the migrants when you've been repeatedly told they are there legally. And when it's pointed out to you that words have consequences, and that your words are creating problems in the community you don't double down, and then have the cheek to blame it all on the media.
The thought of him taking over from Trump is almost as scary as Trump being in a position for him to take over.
They’re definitely making it a competition to see who is the biggest douche…on a daily basis!
The female who started the pet munching “story” has already admitted she made it up because someone’s cat went missing. She had no idea the “story” would spiral out of control and end up being used as fodder in a presidential debate and numerous TV interviews.
As is often the case with such “created stories,” this one was copied, repeated and amplified by others in the media, under the “reports state…” lead-in. This apparently absolves the speaker of any and all responsibility for truth or accuracy, because they are “just reporting the reports,” no matter how outlandish, ridiculous, racially loaded, or otherwise.
It’s like the old nuggets that begin, “Oh, I heard…” even you the speaker provides (nor wants or attempts to) zero veracity for what comes next!
“Oh, I heard Donald Trump poops his diaper and is so nose blind to it, he has no idea how badly he smells.” It’s a perfect story, as others have openly stated they have firsthand knowledge he smells, so it must be true, right?!
“Oh, I heard Joe Biden received millions of dollars from (fill in the blank) for access to him while when Hunter was drugged up and working for the Ukraians!” Again, we have verified info that Hunter worked for a Ukrainian company and what could he possibly have been getting paid for as he’s a no-good drug addict, so the money must have been being funneled to Joe for access and info, right? And, just look at all the support he’s given them…it’s obvious!!
And, so it goes during silly season!
We hope our politicians and reporters are better than this, but in 2024 they are not, and it’s not a recent trend. After all, I heard Barack HUSSEIN Obama was born in Kenya and doesn’t have a legal U.S. birth certificate…amirite or amirite?!