News should simply be reporting of facts without bias. Let the viewer decide.
As you recognize, "news" on the Right is no longer news - instead it's opinion in the guise of news; feeding viewership opinions in alignment with their biases.
As for your confusion about my 2nd to last sentence - namely, that "Fox is the Demagogue Channel" - beats me why you feel this way. You've already admitted that Fox is in the business of making money, voicing opinions that align with their viewership. Fox is quintessentially demagogic.
Too, you seem all to willing to drag God into the picture. What on earth does God have to do with news?
Finally, it puzzles me why you think that Fox isn't anti-science. On issue after issue, science and fact don't matter to Fox - rather it's what their viewership wants to hear that drives the narrative. Climate change, COVID, vaccine efficacy and safety, wearing of masks, and on and on and on - facts be damned - let's bring on opinion in the guise of news to attract and maintain viewership.
Fox is a feel-good channel for the far Right - it's not news. And it's often far from factual.
Take for example, Tucker Carlson's misguided attempt to defend Putin. In one of his broadcasts, he's there defending the invasion of Ukraine because - get this! - America very well might have numerous biological weapon laboratories secreted throughout Ukraine! This was such an ingenious conspiracy theory that Russian state media picked up on the story and quickly broadcast Tucker in defense of their indefensible invasion. And for whatever reason you seem all too willing to defend Fox.
I put it to you once more - Fox is the Demagogue channel - and has virtually nothing at all to do with common sense, logic, fact, science or responsible journalism.
News on both fronts is more so opinion its not confined to the " right ".
Your comment about anti- science is confusing because you appear to equate anti-science with opinion which is bizarre.
I used one beliefs in respect of equating views and beliefs with wrong and right which is a moral question not an anti-science question.
More importantly there is no evidence to support your view that the US is heading for some form of Autocracy under the present administration nor evidence it will head down that path should a change in administration occur.
Their election's are one vote one person and while you could make an argument for the way in which the electorates are constructed and the relative weight attributed to each State it is what they have currently and their doesn't appear to be a large appetite for change.
In our democracy unlike in the US voting is compulsory and preference voting is compulsory.
if your first choice ruled the roost which some people would argue is a fairer arrangement then it is likely the outcome would have different as the former government received the much large majority of the votes but lost many seats as they are termed here because of preference voting which determined the outcome.
As you allude to people will make up their own mind on views held by media commentators but at least one trusts in the US for example they will not be persecuted by the Government if they are critical of their policy or the relative abilities of the administration as would be the case in China for example.
I don't watch much US TV but what I have suggests that opinion that flies in the face of the evidence is prevalent on all the networks when it comes to race issues , identity politics , education , health and foreign affairs to name a few areas.
Any network that underestimates the intelligence of the viewing audience will find the audience shrinking over time.
The ABC in Australia for example have towed a centre left , far left left line over many years and that is despite the fact that they are funded by the tax payer and its little wonder their audience has been declining for many years now and quite frankly they should be defunded if they continue to fail to produce balanced unbiased journalism which is contained in their charter they must do.
I am not defending Fox , I don't have much respect for Tucker Carlson but those reasons go beyond his diatribes on a range of issues. I do defend the right to free speech but in the end the network will make him accountable for his views and or actions as will the viewing audience.
if you don't like what you watch then switch to a station you do like for whatever reason and one of those reasons is that their opinion is consistent with yours.