You too often mistake people correcting your misgivings for 'defending' something else.
If you are wrong about a point, me telling you you are wrong isn't defending that point. It's simply telling you you are wrong.
Even worse, You say statement X about Y, me asking where is your evidence of X? In no way is a defense Y. Rather it's simply requiring you to make good faith claims, rather than partisan conclusory statements..
This by the way is a consistent problem on this thread and it's predecessor thread during the Trump years..
Again, What Mancity1 is pointing out to you is simple enough... All news channels that run opinion pieces i.e Fox, CNN, MSNBC, PBS etc are all biased and slanted on the account that they give you the news in the form of an opinion.
That you can't see that is disappointing :(
Opinion pieces aired by mainstream media are labeled as such (I think). Fox used to label it's opinion pieces as opinion - I'm not sure that they still do - though they might.
Fox is simply a demagogue channel - on steroids. They air shows expressing views that are simultaneously anti-fact, anti-science and dangerous.
COVID is a real danger, albeit currently much less so. Yet even when COVID strains were much more virulent, Fox was busy pooh-poohing the impact. Ditto about the efficacy and wisdom of wearing masks.
Same with climate change.
And so on and so on.
You, Dax, and ManCity1 are conservatives. I get that. But you don't at all seem to be conservatives in the mould I respect. Namely conservatives willing to actually recognize fact - and from there, argue politics.
You two seem to be mired in the defense of irresponsible, non-factual broadcasts from Fox and other outlets.
Let's just say - for a minute - that Fox clearly labels these broadcasts as opinion only - and not as fact. And perhaps they do.
And under the label of opinion, anti-factual, dangerous non-scientific opinion pieces are aired - and most certainly they are in fact aired.
OK - you say - what's the harm? This should be legal.
To which, I counter, no it should not be.
Why? Because the broadcast of such ideas lends a false sense of correctness to the opinion. The Fox viewer is all too likely to conclude: Look, Tucker, and The Five, and, well, every single one of my favorite Fox personalities all say that COVID is a hoax, that vaccines are dangerous, that the wearing masks doesn't work, that climate change is a joke... just as I thought! So I'm not going to vaccinate, or wear masks, and I will most certainly oppose any and all climate change legislation by electing officials that will block such initiatives.
The problem with such "opinion" pieces is that they're extremely influential. Many will consume such pieces and act accordingly - that is to say, irrationally - and to the detriment and danger to society.
Disinformation, even if labeled as opinion, is extremely influential. And this - IMO - is the biggest threat to society at present, bar none other. Because people armed with misinformation are going to make bad decisions.
So carry on you two in your defense of Fox Opinion and other such nonsense - I for one have fucking had more than Goddamn enough.