Interesting, firstly you haven't posted anywhere that I supported Trump and that I was "alt-right" supporting.
Secondly, I posted that the US were sending arms support to the Neo nazi battalion of the Ukraine, Azov, as they send to the country. Have you disputed that? No, cos you can't, especially as they are being awarded medals as the US battles it's own neo Nazi problems!!
It's incredible, really!
Thirdly, working for Russian TV doesn't indicate their support of policies. Chris Hedges, also worked worked for anti- western TV and came out staunchly against the war in Ukraine, but still managed to speak about the US involvement there, too.
You don't seem to be bothered that Zelenskyy is pushing for NATO and US sending troops to retaliate, whilst I'm wondering why peace talks are not being sought after as prominently as the US claiming they'll support Ukraine 'as long as it takes' which is pretty ambiguous in statement.
As for Covid injections and calling people 'lemmings', people tend to just do what the gov says. Inject yourself with this as we've paid for it'.
'Just do it'.
So, first the claim was when you take it, you won't catch Covid and so I posted a vid saying the vaccine won't stop it. Turns out when a second wave hit, they tried to blame it on the people that hadn't been injected, but that turned out to be not totally true as other waves hit people that had multiple vaccines.
All I ever said was it's your choice to take it.
Me? I got it once during the whole time and that's with me being in one of the higher categories of health risk.
Meanwhile, drug companies fully admit they never tested it on Human beings in trials.
If you're in relative good shape, your own antibodies will fight off disease, but a portion of any wave of illness will take lives.
I like to query things. That you don't, is your own issue.
Let me say though, yet again, because I stated there are other things other than Jan 6th that are important, look at the pile on.
You should take a look at yourselves.
That's a lot of words when you could have just said "Yes, I did post and defend a load of kremlin propaganda and covid conspiracy theories".