US Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia found dead

Must admit I am always surprised how much people don't know about SCOTUS rather than being surprised what they do. In some ways the Supreme Court is of more importance on the really substantive issues than the president and they are often appointed for decades.

As for being interested in the US I would suggest it is nearly impossible to be informed on international affairs and international business if not reasonably aware of US domestic politics which aside from its importance is also much more interesting than most other places

love him, hate him he was a very intelligent man, certainly more so than that idiot Piers Morgan

love him, hate him he was a very intelligent man, certainly more so than that idiot Piers Morgan

The reality is the people who do the most for society good or bad are highly intelligent.

Will be very interested to see ObamA's nomination I think he will go for someone very middle of the road and try to wedge the republicans. If he picks someone acceptable to 80% of the country the republicans can either back it and court becomes 4-4-1 or they can fight it, risk looking obstructive and risk losing an election and getting much worse - interesting stuff
The reality is the people who do the most for society good or bad are highly intelligent.

Will be very interested to see ObamA's nomination I think he will go for someone very middle of the road and try to wedge the republicans. If he picks someone acceptable to 80% of the country the republicans can either back it and court becomes 4-4-1 or they can fight it, risk looking obstructive and risk losing an election and getting much worse - interesting stuff
I think if you really listen to the man he truly believed in the words of the constitution, I think he believed that some of the resulting judgements may have been wrong or un fair but that isn't the place of the supreme court, their jocb is to interpret the word of the law in it's most basic form, it is for judges on a smaller scale to implement to the best of their ability each case

love him, hate him he was a very intelligent man, certainly more so than that idiot Piers Morgan

The reality is the people who do the most for society good or bad are highly intelligent.

Will be very interested to see ObamA's nomination I think he will go for someone very middle of the road and try to wedge the republicans. If he picks someone acceptable to 80% of the country the republicans can either back it and the court is central or go hard against and possibly damage electability.
I think if you really listen to the man he truly believed in the words of the constitution, I think he believed that some of the resulting judgements may have been wrong or un fair but that isn't the place of the supreme court, their jocb is to interpret the word of the law in it's most basic form, it is for judges on a smaller scale to implement to the best of their ability each case
Fair enough I think he was who he said he was he wasn't an opportunist like most of the politicians who did it for personal power or gain. The fact that Ginsburg was such good friends with him says a lot. It is like religion do you interpret it in a literal sense like ISIS do and Christianity once did or do you try and interpret what it meant in a modern context based on realities that were unimaginable when written.
Do we as a society look backwards or forwards for inspiration?
What I don't understand though is how the conservatives can be so quick to accept constitutional changes in some areas but deny any tiny movement in others.
The real loser here is Justice Thomas, without Scalia telling him how to rule he's going to be lost.

BTW, here are Scalia's thoughts on black students going to college from December 2015:

"There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well," Scalia said Wednesday during oral arguments in a case involving a race-conscious college admissions plan. The 79-year-old justice, speaking to a hushed courtroom, then referenced a friend-of-the-court brief filed in the case. "One of the briefs pointed out that most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas," he said, "they come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they're being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them."

Scalia said he wasn't "impressed" that the University of Texas may have fewer African Americans. "Maybe it ought to have fewer. And maybe some -- you know, when you take more, the number of blacks, really competent blacks admitted to lesser schools, turns out to be less."

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