Vaccination Passport | Fans will be denied entry without valid NHS pass

So now weve all put our points forward on whether we want to wear a mask or not (personal choice for me wear one or dont at the game make your own decision)

Have we come up with an answer on what kids are to do seen as they dont have covid passports? I take my daughter who is 10 so I presume she'll be waved through but no idea what it means to my lad who is 16 and has had his first jab?
So now weve all put our points forward on whether we want to wear a mask or not (personal choice for me wear one or dont at the game make your own decision)

Have we come up with an answer on what kids are to do seen as they dont have covid passports? I take my daughter who is 10 so I presume she'll be waved through but no idea what it means to my lad who is 16 and has had his first jab?
I think under 18’s are exempt

Children under 18 do not have to demonstrate their COVID status for entry to domestic events or venues in England. Children aged 16 or over can get an NHS COVID Pass for travel but should follow the entry requirements of the country they are travelling to

So now weve all put our points forward on whether we want to wear a mask or not (personal choice for me wear one or dont at the game make your own decision)

Have we come up with an answer on what kids are to do seen as they dont have covid passports? I take my daughter who is 10 so I presume she'll be waved through but no idea what it means to my lad who is 16 and has had his first jab?
Think it's under 16's don't need one but 16 and over do but it's not clear. The next home game which this comes into effect for us it Leicester on boxing Day so hopefully the club can clarify before then
Yeah. If your on Android and download the NHS app and the generate your vaccination Passport at the bottom on the page there is a black button saying add to Google pay. Press that button and then open Google pay. It'll show your debit/credit cards and at the bottom will be the vaccination pass. That's how it worked for me.

Just on a side note I made this thread to infrom people about the passports and if anyone needed help.

I see it's descended into political point scoring and arguments. Can we please keep that out of this. There's plenty of threads in off topic to discuss the rights and wrongs of this. Thanks
Thanks for that ,I'm sure that wasn't there yesterday ,the only downside is it requires a screen lock code to download it ,and I never use one
I think under 18’s are exempt

Children under 18 do not have to demonstrate their COVID status for entry to domestic events or venues in England. Children aged 16 or over can get an NHS COVID Pass for travel but should follow the entry requirements of the country they are travelling to

We will have to wait and see. That guidance was published in May before they offered the jabs to under 18 years old's.

I'm sure they will be exempt but with this Gov nothing would surprise me
Rows and rows of young / middle aged men who are at no risk whatsoever not bothering to go through the virtually pointless charade of wearing a mask will spark faux outrage from the bored / perpetually offended pensioners on here. Post Wolves game I bet the match isn’t the main point of discussion among a certain demographic on here.

Nutters hysterically contrasting wearing a mask to soldiers dying in battle really should get a grip of themselves. Maybe go for a gentle stroll to the park, breath of fresh air might calm you down a bit .,,,, masked up obviously.

No chance it’ll get enforced at football stadiums. You think those minimum wage stewards will be arsed checking 50,000 covid vaccines/tests

There was about 50 orange jackets at the west ham game checking behind the shop people coming over the walkway and off the trams...
Rows and rows of young / middle aged men who are at no risk whatsoever not bothering to go through the virtually pointless charade of wearing a mask will spark faux outrage from the bored / perpetually offended pensioners on here. Post Wolves game I bet the match isn’t the main point of discussion among a certain demographic on here.

Nutters hysterically contrasting wearing a mask to soldiers dying in battle really should get a grip of themselves. Maybe go for a gentle stroll to the park, breath of fresh air might calm you down a bit .,,,, masked up obviously.

Masks aren’t for protecting the wearer, they aren’t to stop the wearer breathing in the virus from someone else; they’re to reduce the amount of virus breathed out by the wearer to protect others.

So for every young / middle aged man not wearing a mask, you’re increasing the chances of breathing the virus onto someone who could be at risk or takes it home to someone they live with who is at risk.

The main point of masks is to reduce the chances of spreading the virus for those who don’t know they have it. So those who know they’ve come down with a virus or are asymptomatic and test positive, will isolate; but there are those who are asymptomatic who have Covid who test negative (negative LF tests are only correct 80% of the time). Masks are the barrier to help reduce the spread from these people, they aren’t a pointless charade as it’s proven they do help to reduce the spread of viruses.
Rows and rows of young / middle aged men who are at no risk whatsoever not bothering to go through the virtually pointless charade of wearing a mask will spark faux outrage from the bored / perpetually offended pensioners on here. Post Wolves game I bet the match isn’t the main point of discussion among a certain demographic on here.

Nutters hysterically contrasting wearing a mask to soldiers dying in battle really should get a grip of themselves. Maybe go for a gentle stroll to the park, breath of fresh air might calm you down a bit .,,,, masked up obviously.

Stop reading after the first bullshit line , have you learnt nothing in two years

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