VAR Discussion Thread - 2023/24 | PL clubs to vote on whether to scrap VAR (pg413)

Would you want VAR scrapped?

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It's not being used for offsides next season anyway. Champions League-style semi-automated offsides being used instead.
Yes that’s what I mean but just keep investing in the technology to speed it up. The CL decisions are quicker than VAR but still not instantaneous.
What is the point of VAR if it still gets decisions wrong? How many times this season have they fucked teams over with poor 'conclusions' despite having this technology at their disposal.

Keep it for what it was intended for; goal-line clearances, reviewing dangerous tackles. Not for "is his pinky toenail offside?" deliberations that take 10 minutes to decide.
I reject the premise that a subjective decision can be deemed "correct".

But, disregarding that for a second - that world pre-VAR was also a world without these semi-automatic offsides we have now. If we go back to a world without VAR but with those semi-auto offsides you'd be looking at decreasing that margin of difference by quite a considerable amount. It was fine to want VAR before it came in (I wanted it, certainly) but it's also fine to now admit that VAR hasn't had the desired effect and that the product is worse as a result of its implementation. If referees only get 89% of decisions "correct" in the future, rather than 96% as they apparently do now, then I'd say it's worth it to be able to celebrate goals again without some random flick or deflection three phases back ruling it out.
Okay, so you’re in the second camp, which is fine.

I’m probably in the first camp, but on the proviso that technology improves and decisions can be made quicker and hopefully more transparently, but that requires IFAB to change some laws.
What is the point of VAR if it still gets decisions wrong? How many times this season have they fucked teams over with poor 'conclusions' despite having this technology at their disposal.

Keep it for what it was intended for; goal-line clearances, reviewing dangerous tackles. Not for "is his pinky toenail offside?" deliberations that take 10 minutes to decide.
Semi auto offside is in next season anyway for offside.
Im curious how they calculate the stats. It seems that when the 5 person review panel releases its findings on controversial calls they say something like “the panel agreed by 3-2….”. That’s still very subjective
Yeah, I don’t know and they probably mean decisions that VAR could overturn, rather than throw ins being given the wrong way, but they didn’t give their source.
Not sure where people are getting the idea from that it all works fine and without controversy in other leagues?

Italy and Spain in particular have huge issues almost on a weekly basis.
Almost on a weekly basis eh , here it is virtually every game , every week , sonetimes i think you wum on here
VAR needs to stay but like every other fucking sport, it needs to be transparent and the ref needs to be shown every close incident on the big screen.
But if decisions get shown on the big screen by stadium staff it can be deemed an attempt to rally the crowd and sway the referee's thinking in high pressure environments. Madrid did it against Bayern when that first Madrid "equaliser" was disallowed after a player got pushed in the face. They surrounded the ref near the dugout and played the footage to the fans on the big screen to get them all riled up. If Madrid hadn't done their usual voodoo shit that referee would have had a hard time leaving the stadium.
Have people forgotten the absolute bullshit that existed even before VAR? It wasn’t some incredible utopia. Where bent linesman could just flag anything they wanted and that was final?

Where things like this are given as offside?

I do not want to go back to this. We should be working WITH VAR to make it better, to improve it, to improve the experience for match-goers etc, not getting rid of it.
Keep the monitors so if unsure the ref can check it out
But if decisions get shown on the big screen by stadium staff it can be deemed an attempt to rally the crowd and sway the referee's thinking in high pressure environments. Madrid did it against Bayern when that first Madrid "equaliser" was disallowed after a player got pushed in the face. They surrounded the ref near the dugout and played the footage to the fans on the big screen to get them all riled up. If Madrid hadn't done their usual voodoo shit that referee would have had a hard time leaving the stadium.
Then football referees will have to toughen the fuck up and none swayed just as rugby referees have managed.

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