Until VAR is used in an open and transparent way and when mistakes are made they openly address them and explain their reasoning at the time to ensure the same mistakes are not made again, then it will remain as it is, not fit for purpose.
The refs on the pitch and used for VAR are incompetent, the management of PIGMOL are incompetent, there is very little consistency, the decisions made are the reading of the game vary (sometimes wildly) from match to match and there is a strong sense that some decisions are made more favourably towards certain teams to keep that team in the game, or to give them an advantage they should not have.
In short, large amounts of incompetence, decisions avoided which they think may harm the ‘product’ and decisions which seem to overly favour certain teams, leading to not just accusations of incompetence but also accusations of corruption, the scale of which is debatable.
Who funds PIGMOL?
Why can the wankers at Sky & BT hear the discussions and audio which is hidden from the fans, whilst listening to this audio, pundits such as Neville seem to be trying to influence those discussions, is this audio listened to at Stockley Park?
VAR is a system implemented by the multi billion pound industry which is the EPL and is run by the biggest set of fûckwits and morons any organisation could assemble, impressive really.