Vienna 1970

May be of interest, here is how The Daily Mail reported it:

Magnificent City Prove Themselves Europe's Kings

Manchester City proudly emerged as the new Lions of Vienna last Night when they carried off Europe's 'Cup Winners' Cup at the first attempt in this tournament.
On a night of torrential rain on which their saturated but still jubilant supporters were the real heroes, City's supremacy was never in doubt in their 2-1 victory over Polish rivals Gornik Zabrze.
...Although Manchester City's injury hoodoo struck once more last night when Mike Doyle had to be carried off in the first half with a badly trapped nerve near one of his knees, his side were already on their way to what even then seemed almost inevitable victory as he departed from the scene in great pain.
It had taken the English side only 12 minutes to shoot their way into a well deserved lead with a goal by Neil Young, the marksman who had put them into this tournament with his F.A. Cup Final goal at Wembley last year.
...And three minutes before the interval England forward Francis Lee added to this lead with a goal from the penalty spot. It was a position that proved unassailable, even though the inferior Poles managed to pull back a goal in the 68th minute.
Even the appalling conditions could not dampen the enthusiasm of the hardy fans at the finish when City's veteran captain Tony Book held aloft his side's third major trophy in a year.
Although wet to the skin, as I was in a press box as comfortless as a lifeboat on a stormy sea, they did cartwheels on the pitch on which their heroes had performed such wonders.
Frankly the apprehensive Poles with their compliment of seven internationals, were disappointing.
Keeping their pre-match promise, the Maine Road men surged straight on to the attack, and harrassed Gornik could only fumble unhappily in their desperate attempts to hold them off.
When Young scored his goal it was only the culmination of 12 minutes of absolute domination and his breakthrough was the just reward for intelligent anticipation.
Lee playing with all the fire and fervour that will serve England well in Mexico, shook off three defenders out on the left and hammered in a shot of fearsome power. It struck the foot of a post and then cannoned off the legs of goalkeeper Kostka straight to Young, whose flick into goal was the merest of formalities.
In an ill-natured start Gornik midfield man Olek complained to the Austrian referee that Lee had punched him, but I had seen no such offence. But when after only three minutes play the Pole decided to take the law into his own hands and to bang Lee hard down on the pitch, he was deservedly booked.
Much later in the game Gornik centre forward Banas was also booked for kicking the ball away as City prepared to take a free-kick.
Characteristically, Lee soon bounced back into full blooded action when he tested Kostka with a quick rising shot which the keeper parried with a cat-like leap.
The game was only 16 minutes old when Doyle collided with Florenski and lay in agony for two minutes while play went on around him. Even then the referee was reluctant to allow trainer Dave ewing to attend to him. When Ewing got his way and carried Doyle off, City played on with only ten men for six minutes before Ian Bowyer came on as substitute.
Kostka conceded the penalty when City got their second goal, but there was no other course open to him than to tackle Young in rugby style when he saw the lanky raider bearing down on his goal. Lee drove his penalty shot home via Kostka's legs.
In the 68th minute, however, Towers conceded a free-kick to Szoltysik and this player and Lubanski managed to force the ball out to veteran international Oslizlo who had cut in cunningly from the left, he beat Corrigan with a left foot drive in one of Gornik's rare raids.
I was one of the lucky ones who went to Vienna.there were between 4000 to 6000 city fans there in a stadium that held over 60000 so it seemed empty but we still made ourselves heard.Yes it waspissing down quite hard and the ground had no cover even for the directors so it was the same for us all.i remember the progammes being free but the clown at our turnstill would not let any city fans have any so he was just bundled over and the programmes distibuted to anyone who was there.
We got talking to some Austians who coldn't understand why we all had blue scarves,flags and banners when the team were in red and black stripes.what a night it was with more to come soon surely.
sweeps feet said:
I was one of the lucky ones who went to Vienna.there were between 4000 to 6000 city fans there in a stadium that held over 60000 so it seemed empty but we still made ourselves heard.Yes it waspissing down quite hard and the ground had no cover even for the directors so it was the same for us all.i remember the progammes being free but the clown at our turnstill would not let any city fans have any so he was just bundled over and the programmes distibuted to anyone who was there.
We got talking to some Austians who coldn't understand why we all had blue scarves,flags and banners when the team were in red and black stripes.what a night it was with more to come soon surely.

That's fantastic, especially as the attendance was only 7,968. ... _Cup_Final
wheeler said:
sweeps feet said:
I was one of the lucky ones who went to Vienna.there were between 4000 to 6000 city fans there in a stadium that held over 60000 so it seemed empty but we still made ourselves heard.Yes it waspissing down quite hard and the ground had no cover even for the directors so it was the same for us all.i remember the progammes being free but the clown at our turnstill would not let any city fans have any so he was just bundled over and the programmes distibuted to anyone who was there.
We got talking to some Austians who coldn't understand why we all had blue scarves,flags and banners when the team were in red and black stripes.what a night it was with more to come soon surely.

That's fantastic, especially as the attendance was only 7,968. ... _Cup_Final

Poland was Communist at the time so Gornik were only allowed about 500 exit visas for their fans and IIRC they had to be trusted Party members who were unlikely to defect.
went on a two day trip aged 18,only about 8,000 fans in the prater stadium which is an open stadium with no roof and it was absolutely pissing it down non stop all match, great experience,biggest regret not getting a programme which now cost a fortune

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