villa (ge) idiots

sam221985 said:
zapbranny said:
It's not envy. I know the villa players are playing for more than just money ( maybe with exception of heskey!). It's simply the fact that quite a few of the city fans are saying why does every one hate us. I gave you an answer it's because there is An air of arrogance despite achieving zero so far. I'm not tarring all the city fans with this but it is obvious from some of the posts even on this thread.

Why do you think the Villa players play for the shirt any more than City? I thnk being realistic neither probably do all that much except the handful of locals and homegrowns that each side has.

It sounds like an unthinkingly trotted-out cliché and devalues the rest of what you have to say to be honest.

And I'd suggest any air of arrogance is defensive to recent bitterness and vitriolic bile from other clubs. Directly after the second takeover there was a lot of talk on here of being determined to not become like the rag fans, remember how we felt about Chelsea, be humble and gracious etc. Then came the hate from other clubs' fans, blindly following the media sensationalism and spin like idiotic little sheep. Any arrogance that can't simply be ascribed to kids, or a few classless muppets, has come as a defence mechanism to all that stuff, and that's my honest perception of it and one many on here share I would think.
absolutely spot on
i tried to explain this to zapfanny yesterday but was wasting my time you will never get past the envy, jealousy and down right lack of knowledge when it comes to what is happening at our club

for me fans of other clubs can just do one the hate and bile spouted against us is so obvious and then they want a discussion about football once they have slagged our players, us fans and our club so please don't darken our door again you will not be missed
Tell you what, why don't Villa fans just fuck off. If you'd rather sell a player to the Rags, you deserve to be fucking relegated. Do you really think bacon face has built Moanyooooo on a youth squad and not spent any transfer funds. You bunch of fucking idiots.
How many times have I heard how other teams' players play for the club and not for money (especially Everton fans).

Don't make laugh as though Piennar grew up in South friggin Africa with posters of Kevin Sheedy in a NEC blue shirt dreaming of the day he would be running out at Goodison. Or Cahill as a young child being asked by his teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up 'Well miss, there is this special football club in a dump of a city on the other side of the world and I will not rest until I play for them for free. They are called Everton'

I have said it before 99% of footballers are fucking mercenaries. It just our mercenaries are better paid than other clubs mercenaries.
Everbody hates us now and we don't care.What fickle bastards they all are.If any club was taken over and financed by a mega rich family or consortium,would they knock it?I fucking think not.
mcmanus said:
How many times have I heard how other teams' players play for the club and not for money (especially Everton fans).

Don't make laugh as though Piennar grew up in South friggin Africa with posters of Kevin Sheedy in a NEC blue shirt dreaming of the day he would be running out at Goodison. Or Cahill as a young child being asked by his teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up 'Well miss, there is this special football club in a dump of a city on the other side of the world and I will not rest until I play for them for free. They are called Everton'

I have said it before 99% of footballers are fucking mercenaries. It just our mercenaries are better paid than other clubs mercenaries.

spot on
Tarnats left peg said:
mcmanus said:
How many times have I heard how other teams' players play for the club and not for money (especially Everton fans).

Don't make laugh as though Piennar grew up in South friggin Africa with posters of Kevin Sheedy in a NEC blue shirt dreaming of the day he would be running out at Goodison. Or Cahill as a young child being asked by his teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up 'Well miss, there is this special football club in a dump of a city on the other side of the world and I will not rest until I play for them for free. They are called Everton'

I have said it before 99% of footballers are fucking mercenaries. It just our mercenaries are better paid than other clubs mercenaries.

spot on

double top!
[quote="big blueballs]
i tried to explain this to zapfanny yesterday but was wasting my time you will never get past the envy, jealousy and down right lack of knowledge when it comes to what is happening at our club

for me fans of other clubs can just do one the hate and bile spouted against us is so obvious and then they want a discussion about football once they have slagged our players, us fans and our club so please don't darken our door again you will not be missed[/quote]

I'm well within my rights to have an opinion and give you an answer to why everyone hates city. You, sadly instead of trying to get perspective just prove my point, tools like you are the reason city are becoming disliked.

On your other point, I can state with 100% honesty that I'm not jealous of city. I find it's a bit like playing champ manager with real Madrid, too easy and it devalues the achievement. Who doesn't enjoy seeing the youth come through and build a team, obviously purchasing as well. Do I admire city? .... No I don't, all city have done so far is to try and weaken those teams around them by buying their better players. I admire teams like arsenal, players coming through youth teams, bought in cheaply and playing the same system at all levels; then adding the odd exceptional talent. Clearly city have a different agenda and after spending a lot need to achieve success quickly as a return.

I find it intersting to read other fans inputs on our threads and they give different perspective. Clearly people like this struggle to accept anything outside of their opinion could have any basis will always be a waste of time talking to. You carry on in your insular bubble, that way, what you don't understand won't take up your last remaing brain cell currently running your knuckledragging processes.
zapbranny said:
[quote="big blueballs]
i tried to explain this to zapfanny yesterday but was wasting my time you will never get past the envy, jealousy and down right lack of knowledge when it comes to what is happening at our club

for me fans of other clubs can just do one the hate and bile spouted against us is so obvious and then they want a discussion about football once they have slagged our players, us fans and our club so please don't darken our door again you will not be missed

I'm well within my rights to have an opinion and give you an answer to why everyone hates city. You, sadly instead of trying to get perspective just prove my point, tools like you are the reason city are becoming disliked.

On your other point, I can state with 100% honesty that I'm not jealous of city. I find it's a bit like playing champ manager with real Madrid, too easy and it devalues the achievement. Who doesn't enjoy seeing the youth come through and build a team, obviously purchasing as well. Do I admire city? .... No I don't, all city have done so far is to try and weaken those teams around them by buying their better players. I admire teams like arsenal, players coming through youth teams, bought in cheaply and playing the same system at all levels; then adding the odd exceptional talent. Clearly city have a different agenda and after spending a lot need to achieve success quickly as a return.

I find it intersting to read other fans inputs on our threads and they give different perspective. Clearly people like this struggle to accept anything outside of their opinion could have any basis will always be a waste of time talking to. You carry on in your insular bubble, that way, what you don't understand won't take up your last remaing brain cell currently running your knuckledragging processes.[/quote][/quote]

Oh dear !!!
Time to see nursee and get your medicine methinks !!
For too long we have been the butt of jokes and now the tables are turned,you know what ??
We couldn`t give a shit what you or anyone else thinks about us.
Arrogance !!
So what. United and LFC bought the good players in the past and they used to love rubbing the shit into peoples noses !!
Seems to have done Arsenal well ain`t it playing young kids.Remind us all,when did they last win a Major Trophy ?? And your point being on that is exactly what ??
Now theres a new kid on the block,people like you jump on the bandwagon of City haters.
Get used to it !!
It could be worse !! We could have been your "noisy neighbours" but now for the Rags, we`re becoming the "Neighbours From Hell !!"

I'm well within my rights to have an opinion and give you an answer to why everyone hates city. You, sadly instead of trying to get perspective just prove my point, tools like you are the reason city are becoming disliked.

On your other point, I can state with 100% honesty that I'm not jealous of city. I find it's a bit like playing champ manager with real Madrid, too easy and it devalues the achievement. Who doesn't enjoy seeing the youth come through and build a team, obviously purchasing as well. Do I admire city? .... No I don't, all city have done so far is to try and weaken those teams around them by buying their better players. I admire teams like arsenal, players coming through youth teams, bought in cheaply and playing the same system at all levels; then adding the odd exceptional talent. Clearly city have a different agenda and after spending a lot need to achieve success quickly as a return.

I find it intersting to read other fans inputs on our threads and they give different perspective. Clearly people like this struggle to accept anything outside of their opinion could have any basis will always be a waste of time talking to. You carry on in your insular bubble, that way, what you don't understand won't take up your last remaing brain cell currently running your knuckledragging processes.[/quote]

so arsenal are alright because they raid clubs' youth academy's of the best talent and blend them into their own first team. we, on the other hand pay whatever asking price is requested for established players, putting money back into the game. villa have done this to many a club over the years. last season, i have no doubt, we had more appearances from the youth academy than villa. easily. i give you wright phillips, ireland, richards, onouha, just for starters.
check your facts before you make an idiot of yourself again.

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