villa (ge) idiots

Villa fan here

big blue balls,..... your statement is so ironic considering how you lot have felt about the Rag fans for so long.

I've posted on this forum a few times when it concerns Villa, and read on here occassionaly when we were both challenging for fourth. But it is the kind of arrogance that you display that is turning the rest of football into disliking City and hoping you fall on your arses.

I reckon you will end up looking back on your words at the end of the season with a more humble view.

Which superstars do you think City will sign this summer? well Villa has gone, Ribery is too good for City, Ibrahimovic (£40 Million and would he go?), Balotelli (not likely happy at Inter again), Gerrard again can't see it, Torres (if he goes it would be Chelsea or Real Madrid, Milner (maybe but he is certainly not world class and arguably not proven top 4 class and if Chelsea or Utd go in for him then there is no chance), Joe Cole (possible if there was no competition from the top 4)

One key ingredient is missing for all of these players and thats Champions League, regardless of all the money, in 10/11 City will not be in the Champions League and I think you would need that before you get anywhere near to these kind of players.
zapbranny said:
Villa fan here

big blue balls,..... your statement is so ironic considering how you lot have felt about the Rag fans for so long.

I've posted on this forum a few times when it concerns Villa, and read on here occassionaly when we were both challenging for fourth. But it is the kind of arrogance that you display that is turning the rest of football into disliking City and hoping you fall on your arses.

I reckon you will end up looking back on your words at the end of the season with a more humble view.

Which superstars do you think City will sign this summer? well Villa has gone, Ribery is too good for City, Ibrahimovic (£40 Million and would he go?), Balotelli (not likely happy at Inter again), Gerrard again can't see it, Torres (if he goes it would be Chelsea or Real Madrid, Milner (maybe but he is certainly not world class and arguably not proven top 4 class and if Chelsea or Utd go in for him then there is no chance), Joe Cole (possible if there was no competition from the top 4)

One key ingredient is missing for all of these players and thats Champions League, regardless of all the money, in 10/11 City will not be in the Champions League and I think you would need that before you get anywhere near to these kind of players.

Have you read the Milner thread on Villa talk ? A master-class in bitterness, delusion and denial.
ha ha true........ bitter it may be, but one thing it isn't, is arrogant.

Some of the City fans go on about how the rest of football seems to hate you, ever stop to wonder why? Not so long ago City were fighting relegation every other season and now SOME (not all of you) seem to have forgotten that and think you have some kind of god given right to sign any player in the world.

Its the arrogance people don't like, I've got no problem with City but there are more and more posts on here like that, I'm sure maybe there are some new fans and it could explain a lot.
citykev28 said:
listened to talksport earlier, a villa (ge) idiot rang in to say he would be happy for milner to go to the rags but not us. how ambitious?? it's alright selling to this season's top 2 to strengthen them so you'll never have a prayer of competing, but not to "moneybag's city".

They are only just realising that a top 6 finish is no more a foregone conclusion - a position rightfully theirs by default - similar to Everton fans is now under serious threat - the fans have seen their clubs now hit a false ceiling
zapbranny said:
ha ha true........ bitter it may be, but one thing it isn't, is arrogant.

Some of the City fans go on about how the rest of football seems to hate you, ever stop to wonder why? Not so long ago City were fighting relegation every other season and now SOME (not all of you) seem to have forgotten that and think you have some kind of god given right to sign any player in the world.

Its the arrogance people don't like, I've got no problem with City but there are more and more posts on here like that, I'm sure maybe there are some new fans and it could explain a lot.

A Villa fan who rang Talksport summed the situation up perfectly and I quote

"City used to be everyones second club because we all felt sorry for them"

No City fan has forgotten the dark days and I think we've more than paid our dues and deserve a return to being a competitive club again.
Unfortunately these days that means having money.
If fans are getting a bit giddy and some are, I can forgive them. I think they've earned it.

I'll take a genuine chance of winning something over being pitied any day of the week.
Gelsons Dad said:
citykev28 said:
surely a team that finishes 6th should be setting their sights on a top four team who are having problems adding to an aging squad??

By that same logic you're saying that we won't be competing with the rags? Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. We will be competing with the sky 4 plus spurs of those 6 teams the strongest will be Chelsea, Rags and Arsenal. We will by trying to get in amongst those 3 clubs along with Spurs and liverpool. Villa will be trying to get amongst us spurs and liverpool.

Villa are not in competition with the rags and wouldn't pretend to be but they have a claim that they could be in competition with us.

To think otherwise shows a lack of respect for the league and an arrogance that we need to guard against.

They'd be doing it to us if the shoe was on the other foot.
zapbranny said:
Villa fan here

big blue balls,..... your statement is so ironic considering how you lot have felt about the Rag fans for so long.

I've posted on this forum a few times when it concerns Villa, and read on here occassionaly when we were both challenging for fourth. But it is the kind of arrogance that you display that is turning the rest of football into disliking City and hoping you fall on your arses.

I reckon you will end up looking back on your words at the end of the season with a more humble view.

Which superstars do you think City will sign this summer? well Villa has gone, Ribery is too good for City, Ibrahimovic (£40 Million and would he go?), Balotelli (not likely happy at Inter again), Gerrard again can't see it, Torres (if he goes it would be Chelsea or Real Madrid, Milner (maybe but he is certainly not world class and arguably not proven top 4 class and if Chelsea or Utd go in for him then there is no chance), Joe Cole (possible if there was no competition from the top 4)

One key ingredient is missing for all of these players and thats Champions League, regardless of all the money, in 10/11 City will not be in the Champions League and I think you would need that before you get anywhere near to these kind of players.
my response was based on comments posted on hear from a villa fan that he would rather see milner go to utd than city
city fans are becoming the way we are due to the jealousy of fans of other clubs like you (it is us against the world basically) and the slating we get in the media etc they can not stand the fact that our day in the sun is round the corner, and the cartel is being broken up so it is not arrogance more defending the club i love and the rest can just fuck off simple as that

mark my words and every other poster on this site it is inevitable we will challenge for the league next season

also the list of players you have mentioned i have not named one of them in any of my posts but milner and real, barca, chelsea, utd, etc can't and won't be signing them all meaning if players are to move we will be in with a shout

also champions league football is not all players want (especially the english lads) the most important trophy for any player to win is the league title just ask steven gerrard oh and your own but not for long james milner, and both have more chance of wining that at city than they do at liverpool or villa and if we dont win it next year we will within 2 years

come back in 2 years and if i am wrong i will hold my hands up, along with every one else on bluemoon just can't see it though.

you think that is arrogance, i call it realism
Im an expert on football. I have sat and watched my beloved mcfc for 35 years.I have seen some crap in that time,believe me.We have earnt the right to be bitter,twisted,delusioned etc. The FACT that we are now being linked with buying yet more world class players,is indeed a tribute to my club and all who have worked tirelessly to make it all happen.We deserve whats coming to us.Other football fans can watch the BLUE MOON RISING!!!!!!!!! MCFC are carrying the fight to the so called big guns. On behalf of all the other fans who are watching crap football, DARE TO DREAM or BELIEVE. Thats what we are doing right here right now,and we are going to enjoy it. Never say never.

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