Villa Vs City Post Match Thread

Theoretically and on paper we should have done.
But hey that's not football is it ?
What you appear to imply by money spent and the time taken to assemble our squad is that we do indeed have a right of free passage.
Every team in our premiership deserves utter respect.
It was only their keepers big nose that today robbed us of glory !
Enjoy the ride pal.
Adios .
Ha haaaa keepers big nose I like that I like it! I like it a lot!
He was a prick today!
Wel smash the dippers MCFC!
Switch to Villa. ;)
My God... there are some wind up merchants on here tonight!

If they are not wind up merchants then they don't know very much about football.

We didn't play "badly"... we could have scored six had we got the "rub of the green". Hit the bar, shots just the wrong side of the post, a rocket header "saved" by hitting the keeper's head! Near miss after near miss.

Anyone who watches lots of football know that many times the dominant team in a match doesn't get its just dessert.

Navas ONCE AGAIN excellent (and the Guardian's MOM).

"We are City... we are TOP OF THE LEAGUE."


PS. All the miserable gits who just like moaning... stop supporting City and switch to Chelsea. The you really could do some top quality whingeing.
He's probably thinking he could have done more if he'd have had more time, which is exactly what MP would want, hungry players.
Kelechi I'm sure will get a run out now and again because he looks like a player that could be a good player in the future, I just think we can't put blind faith into a player just because he's a youth player, otherwise boyata would have stayed and Micah Richards would be our captain
Mate, if we were down to the bare bone, Richards and Boyata would have played today. Kelechi is a natural goal scorer, that much is obvious but to not play him when we had no other specialist striking options available was a very bad call in mine and most fans' opinions.
So Aguero and Bony a doubt for the Liverpool. Will the manager trust Kelchie in a game of that magnitude I doubt it. So we'll play with the false number nine like today just hope they do some shooting and heading practise thats for sure.

We need to bring another senior striker into the club sooner rather than later imo!!
They are not piss poor in my opinion. They had a poor manager in Sherwood who has never won anything and couldn't get anything out of his players - and they're not bad players, they needed leadership. We were unlucky to meet them on their first game at home under their new manager. They did their job - we were a bit tired after the Europe game but the team Pellegrini chose would have been expected to win by all of us before the game.

Whilst that may be true, their record subsequent to an opening day win at Bournemouth read p.10, w 0, d 1, l 9. Today they managed just 3 attempts at goal (with zero on target) in 90 minutes. Their new manager has had the grand total of 5 days to work with them. Piss poor was just my lazy description of Villa, but even being more considered you'd be hard pushed to find a worse outfit in the Premier League at this moment in time. Whatever the circs though, that was 2 points pissed away today
I think the fact that Arsenal struggled at home, and Liverpool lost shows that European away games take their toll. We looked leggy as did Arsenal, I haven't seen the Liverpool game but there seems to be a common thread.
Why have Iheanacho on the bench as the club's 3rd choice recognised striker if we don't intend to use him? I don't think it was a bad team performance or that any player was particularly bad either, what was clearly evident is that we were toothless in attack and we had a star 19 year old 1st team striker on the bench and we didn't use him. That was the major contribution to today's result.

Again we were guilty of putting square pegs in round holes when there was no need as KDB was brought here as a creative midfielder not a striker and the same applies to Sterling. Other teams put faith in their youth if they feel they're good enough, by the look of it we just come along after the fact and pay £44m for other club's youth players which is especially baffling considering we have more than enough of our own to choose from.

I wonder if Sterling would be a first team regular at City if he'd come through our youth ranks? Looking at Kelechi's face when Navas came on for Bony, he could be forgiven for thinking 'What's the fucking point of being here if I can't even get a game when we have no other strikers available'.

You say Kelechi didn't do anything when he came on, well it's not like he had a great deal of time to effect matters did he?


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