Villarreal Fans

jay_mcfc said:
I've explained about their fans before. Villareal is a town with a population of around 50,000 and yet still get 22000 at home every game. Their fans should in no way be criticised imo baring in mind Spanish fans just do not travel even to away games in their own city.

This - they are a club who have got very , very lucky with the investment of the Roig empire and the dodgy dealings of the the more politically inclined Fabra family. 10 years ago they were struggling to get 5 to 10 k. The boom in consruction helped them a lot with the ceramics industry. They are "Johnny come lately, nouveaux riche" plastics of the worst kind imo. No history, no soul , just lucky that they picked up the likes of Riquelme, Forlan, Capdevila , Jose Mari etc from big clubs where they failed miserably. The big fish in the small pond flourished without the weight of expectation and it snowballed. Now they have the ridiculous situation of a town of 50k with 2 teams in the top two divisions and two stadiums. They have also copied the La Masia model with their academy.
Their success is so disproportionate to their size it makes me feel sorry for the fans of their more traditional rivals from the bigger city , Castellón. The people from there have abandoned their own club to jump on the yellow submarine bandwagon.
I hope it is about to fookin sink - just my opinion and feelings
Fair play to those that did make the trip, for such a small town the numbers they get are unreal.
Re: Re: Villarreal Fans

Prestwich_Blue said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
They are "Johnny come lately, nouveaux riche" plastics of the worst kind imo. No history, no soul
Just like us really then.

Ha ha !

Cue "not sure if you´re serious" or "I see what you did there" gif

Can´t be arsed finding them !
the colourful fans (about 20 of em) were in colin bell corperate, but the official away area (also with about 20) were dressed in all black and a few even clapped when we scored. really confused.
Was City's experimentation with a new south stand singing section implemented just for the benefit of our fans and to increase our stadium atmosphere or merely brought in to action because they were well aware that Villareal had only sold around 17 tickets.
Would have looked a tad on the silly side. Two tiers with 17 bods in it.
Just a passing thought ?
Taximania said:
Was City's experimentation with a new south stand singing section implemented just for the benefit of our fans and to increase our stadium atmosphere or merely brought in to action because they were well aware that Villareal had only sold around 17 tickets.
Would have looked a tad on the silly side. Two tiers with 17 bods in it.
Just a passing thought ?
Was thinking this myself
Eh? 17 Fans?!

There was about 100 to the left hand side of the directors box, CB level 2.

When they scored you could see them all jumping and waving yellow flags and banners about! Could hardly hear them mind, but there was DEFINITELY more than 17 away fans there!

People are talking about the little bit in the 3rd tier where there were what looked to me, to be any away disabled supporters + helpers.

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