Violence at Euro 2016

From what i've seen of the many videos i've watched and told from mates who were there (and are now in Lille) you seem to be incorrect.

There was no real violence in the stadium, there was a flare gun fired and then just a rush and the England fans shit themselves and ran off. There was only the odd skirmish. Out in Marseille city centre, especially around the port, it was clearly full-on head stamping violence by the Russians, batons and tear gas from the Police and fighting from the French plus reactions to all this by the English. By no means are the English blameless but what you've posted is just pointing the finger at England fans.

Do you point the same blame at the Northern Ireland fans who were involved in fighting in Nice? What about the Germans and Ukrainians when they clashed for two nights in a row? Or is it just the English who bring it on themselves?

No you've misunderstood mate.
Firstly, I've attended two previous World Cups, and I'm proud to be English.
I'm not pointing the finger at our fans.. In fact I'm not particularly pointing the finger at anyone because I wasn't there.
However, foreign football supporters can't distinguish between English hooligans and the English idea of having a good time. They just see the clips of bare-chested "Ingerland" supporters amusing themselves with "Fuck off Scotland", "No Surrender" and "Ten German bombers"
It's the way we are, and we've been doing it for years. However, many foreigners interpret that as hooliganism.
Of course, there were isolated incidents involving the other countries, but nothing on the scale that accompanies our games.
I reckon Russia should be awarded the next World Cup for behaving so well at this tournament.

The scum should get a 20 year international tournament ban, enough is enough. They've been doing this for years. We need an authority with a set of balls.
yep thats right blame the english. there is nothing wrong with having a drink and singing songs. The majority of england fans in near enough every video before the russians or french turn up are having a good time. but no its all the england fans fault, and english aggression ...... ( singing songs and begin drunk) we were clearly targeted and attacked, england fans fight back, which is what a lot of people would do.

I couldn't agree more. Nothing wrong with having a drink and singing a few songs.
However, when those songs involve insulting another nation, then at some point you're going to offend somebody. That was my original point, and at no point was I directly blaming the English.
I'd make a terrible policeman. If I had some fat pissed up twat deliberately chanting "Engerland" repeatedly in my face from about 6 inches away, with his arms out full on anteater like he wants some, I'd undoubtedly smash him in the face with my baton. Or maybe that would make me a good policeman? I don't know how they rank these things
If and its a big if UEFA expel Russia from this tournament and FIFA stop them from hosting the world cup would someone like us or Germany been equipped to host the tournament at such short notice?

They wont expel Russia, ffs, the French ambassador has been summoned in Moscow to explain the treatment by the French of Russian citizens as Putin plays it clever and makes it all very political.

Of course either us or Germany could host at a minutes notice but again, they wont give it us lol.

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