wasn't old enough to remember 2002 world cup

From the original youtube in OP im sure its missing the most blatant one of all. Korea's first goal. A cross from a ball that was about 2 yards out of play.
Absolutely frightening that some people are old enough to type and can't remember the 2002 World Cup.

I saw a girl I thought I hadn't seen for a couple of years, the other day, turns out, on reflection it was actually in 1998. That's how quickly it all flies when you get older and I'm only 37!!

I remember snippets of the 1978 World Cup but the 1982 World Cup was definitely THE one for all sorts of reasons, not least the entertainment provided by the Brazilians.

The 1986 was a step backwards from that and the 1990 one was utterly, utterly dismal with only about two decent games. Strangely enough though, it was that World Cup that re-envigarated football in this country with us blagging our way to the last four, Gazza's antics and all that.

1990 had been so dire that few had much interest in the 1994 one in USA, especially with no home sides there. However, the fact that the games, for the first time, were played in front of packed houses gave it a bit of flavour and some of the football was superb. Lots of attacking flair and it was a shame that the final was so bad because it did not reflect the tournament.

The last three have been somewhere in the middle, neither brilliant nor dull but, for the sheer magic of the World Cup, you'll never beat 1982 or was that just because I was at the right age?:)
Dont remember much about 82(i was 8)
BUT i do remember this

Just beats Dickov for the best goal celebartion ive ever seen
Pure joy, THATS what football is all about!!
DD said:
Absolutely frightening that some people are old enough to type and can't remember the 2002 World Cup.

I saw a girl I thought I hadn't seen for a couple of years, the other day, turns out, on reflection it was actually in 1998. That's how quickly it all flies when you get older and I'm only 37!!

I remember snippets of the 1978 World Cup but the 1982 World Cup was definitely THE one for all sorts of reasons, not least the entertainment provided by the Brazilians.

The 1986 was a step backwards from that and the 1990 one was utterly, utterly dismal with only about two decent games. Strangely enough though, it was that World Cup that re-envigarated football in this country with us blagging our way to the last four, Gazza's antics and all that.

1990 had been so dire that few had much interest in the 1994 one in USA, especially with no home sides there. However, the fact that the games, for the first time, were played in front of packed houses gave it a bit of flavour and some of the football was superb. Lots of attacking flair and it was a shame that the final was so bad because it did not reflect the tournament.

The last three have been somewhere in the middle, neither brilliant nor dull but, for the sheer magic of the World Cup, you'll never beat 1982 or was that just because I was at the right age?:)
i know italy won it but the brazil team you could say were one of the best teams to not win it ,rossi had just returned from a drug ban i think, and had the tournement of his life,after which was useless back in the italian league and scored only a handful of goals...
Petemeister said:
but how haven't south korea been investigated and banned for this


yes it was ages ago but this is cheating

Ironic isn`t it, someone cheating against Italy, I don`t mind who kicks them because them sly bastards give it out often enough.

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