Watch Replicas

I take it 'replica' is a fancy word for 'fake' then?

Like others have said, I can't understand why anyone would want to wear a fake watch. Why would you possibly want people to think you can afford something you can't? I can only see downsides to such a scenario.

A good watch isn't just about the look, it's about how its made, the materials used, and its investment potential. You'll get none of that with a fake so I assume you're only interested in the look.

In that case, you'll find nice-looking genuine watches in any price range you can afford and you'd be much better off with one of those than with a fake. At least you can be sure they'll last a lot longer than a few months.
Dubai Blue said:
I take it 'replica' is a fancy word for 'fake' then?

Like others have said, I can't understand why anyone would want to wear a fake watch. Why would you possibly want people to think you can afford something you can't? I can only see downsides to such a scenario.

A good watch isn't just about the look, it's about how its made, the materials used, and its investment potential. You'll get none of that with a fake so I assume you're only interested in the look.

In that case, you'll find nice-looking genuine watches in any price range you can afford and you'd be much better off with one of those than with a fake. At least you can be sure they'll last a lot longer than a few months.

I agree with this.

That said, I'm not sure of your financial standing but if you're working and have a bit to spare, why not get a real one on one of the many interest free credit deals these places always advertise. If it's a 2000 watch you want you should be able to get it over two years at £100 per month if you can afford that. If things go pear shaped you will always sell it, maybe not for what you paid originally at first, but in time you will always get your money back.

I did this with the first Rolex I ever bought. £853 from Watches of Switzerland on King Street when I was about 21. I felt like the bees knees. Sold it some years later and it helped pay for my first house.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tch-ub-300</a>
a fake watch is like wearing a wig, once people notice or find out you look like a right dick, same as anything fake TBH. "Oh look there's focusdazz with the 2k watch and the 700 quid Armani jacket" "oh yeah, why does he drive a focus if he has that much money then?"
Dubai Blue said:
Why would you possibly want people to think you can afford something you can't?

You are completely missing the point - I bought a fake watch because I liked it, I couldn't give a fuck what anybody else thinks.
Getting my bell and ross was one of the best days of my life, but I actually bought (and love) these for everyday use as Im scared to wear the B&R!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Getting my bell and ross was one of the best days of my life, but I actually bought (and love) these for everyday use as Im scared to wear the B&R!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Fair play, they are bloody nice watches. I personally think they are better looking than the Bell and Ross watches.
malg said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Getting my bell and ross was one of the best days of my life, but I actually bought (and love) these for everyday use as Im scared to wear the B&R!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Fair play, they are bloody nice watches. I personally think they are better looking than the Bell and Ross watches.

They are to be fair I was 5 years younger when I got the B&R- it's relatively low key compared to most of them but don't feel comfortable wearing it out anymore. The uniform ware one was £120 and I love it!

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