Watching Wolves-Arsenal (Latest 0-4). City MILES behind.

Watched Arsenal v AZ the other night and have to say they are the only team in England that look entirely comfortable receiving the ball in all positions and moving when they don't have it. If we could keep the ball more and work harder off the ball, we'd be just as effective.
Gabriel said:
Watched Arsenal v AZ the other night and have to say they are the only team in England that look entirely comfortable receiving the ball in all positions and moving when they don't have it. If we could keep the ball more and work harder off the ball, we'd be just as effective.

That's the most disappointing thing about us at the moment. At home we shouldn't be looking to kill off a game via counter attacks (like we did against Arsenal... which almost went the other way). If we were comfortable on the ball and happy in possession you kill these games off by not allowing the opposition to actually have the ball. There's nothing wrong being 3-2 up and just passing it between your centre backs if there is nothing open. Yet we had to launch it to Ade or behind their men to Bellers or SWP.
Project said:
Gabriel said:
Watched Arsenal v AZ the other night and have to say they are the only team in England that look entirely comfortable receiving the ball in all positions and moving when they don't have it. If we could keep the ball more and work harder off the ball, we'd be just as effective.

That's the most disappointing thing about us at the moment. At home we shouldn't be looking to kill off a game via counter attacks (like we did against Arsenal... which almost went the other way). If we were comfortable on the ball and happy in possession you kill these games off by not allowing the opposition to actually have the ball. There's nothing wrong being 3-2 up and just passing it between your centre backs if there is nothing open. Yet we had to launch it to Ade or behind their men to Bellers or SWP.

Completely agree; but why do quality players look terrified of taking the ball? I'm shocked at how often the full-backs and goalkeeper send it long. Sometimes it's down to pressure, but more often it's down to players shirking responsibility.
Gabriel said:
Project said:
That's the most disappointing thing about us at the moment. At home we shouldn't be looking to kill off a game via counter attacks (like we did against Arsenal... which almost went the other way). If we were comfortable on the ball and happy in possession you kill these games off by not allowing the opposition to actually have the ball. There's nothing wrong being 3-2 up and just passing it between your centre backs if there is nothing open. Yet we had to launch it to Ade or behind their men to Bellers or SWP.

Completely agree; but why do players quality look terrified of taking the ball? I'm shocked at how often the full-backs and goalkeeper send it long. Sometimes it's down to pressure, but more often it's down to players shirking responsibility.

We have some real quality players so it's not an issue of technique, or even shirking responsibility. I think its movement, or a lack of it. People shit on Bridge but when he gets the ball there is generally nothing on and he is being pressed by the opposition. When one of our players have it, there should always be at least two others looking to give him an option. Often there is none. An exception was Lescott today... went long too often when under no pressure when he could have just kept possession.

This is something that definitely falls under Hughes remit.
Arsenal look like a football team (the best). In comparison, we don't look anything like a football team. We have no pattern to our play, and it's fair to say that at times we look a shambles. We should be seeing something better by now than we are, and the fact that we're not is worrying to say the least.
We have got the forth best squad in the league. We have modern day technically gifted players who are being asked to play old fashioned traditional british football, as witnessed at Blackburn and wales. No wonder the all look so lost and confused.
Imagine what someone like wenger would do with our squad

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