wayne bridge - mancini is my only handicap

To be fair to Bridge, he hasn't moaned previously - which has led to the feeling that he is a happy bench-warmer (as he also seemed to be at Chelsea) - however, he is fourth (maybe even fifth) choice on merit. He has been one of the biggest disappointments of the new era - came with a big reputation and spectacularly failed to live up to it. I have never seen a more one-footed player in my life.

The "I want to play football" quotes don't ring true either otherwise he would have moved on before now. I feel he is a happy bench-warmer and if he wants to play he will have to move. However, he will stay if he can - for the money - not because he thinks he will play any games. Maybe he realises his limitations and how fortunate he has been to land such a lucrative contract.
Arsene Wenger will spend Christmas considering whether to pursue moves for Thierry Henry and Wayne Bridge in the loan market.

Henry has been training at Arsenal during the MLS close season and is expected to rejoin his New York Red Bulls team-mates in mid-January.

Wenger, however, will be short of cover up front when Gervinho and Marouane Chamakh report for the Africa Cup of Nations next month and he does not want to increase the workload for Robin van Persie and risk injury to his captain.

A short-term deal with Henry the club's all-time record goal-scorer, who is presently sunning himself in Mexico, is a convenient option.
'Short-term is ideal for us but I haven't made any enquiry yet,' said Wenger.
'Thierry is not here at the moment. January 1 is the vital date and we have seven days to make decisions. I will make my decision in the next seven days.'

Wenger ruled out any move for Gary Cahill, but admits a loan deal for a left back is likely with Andre Santos out for three months and Kieran Gibbs having just had a second hernia operation of the season.

Manchester City exile Bridge is the obvious candidate, although his wages are £95,000 a week and he has not played in the Barclays Premier League since his spell on loan at West Ham last season.

Wenger insisted the Gunners had not approached City, but said: 'I will see what's available and if there's a good opportunity. Why not? It is something we will look at but it also depends how long you have to take them. They have a big impact on your wages.
'If you have to sign a player for three or four years and then you have three or four left backs, only one can play, so they are not happy.
'It can only be a short-term solution. Long term I am sticking to Santos and Gibbs. 'I love them because they have a quality I like, to attack. Thomas Vermaelen has been doing very well at left back.'

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2078207/Thierry-Henry-Wayne-Bridge-Arsenals-Christmas-list.html#ixzz1hS7oys71" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... z1hS7oys71</a>
City has honoured every contract it has signed. You could argue that Bridge is dishonouring the contract by not making any attempt to play football, by not trying to improve his game.
When City signs a player, for better or worse, they should see it thru. And treat the players properly, like the decent human beings most of them are. Funny how it was the biggest dick of all Tevez, that we made a poster of, gave an armband to, allowed to travel to his country whenever he pleased, and put in a request- Yet most were fine with him. But Bridge gives an interview wishing he played more, and suddenly this is a sin. But making him go train with kids, train alone like a pariah, and all the other crap shaite management does is okay. All these humiliating attempt to force out a guy who did nothing wrong but sign a contract to come play for City is embarrassing. The club and some of its fans are embarrassing. In the past many have pretended it was coz these players were unruly or dicks! But all along, I always knew the only dicks were the organizations. It is always the case. Bridge is a great example of a non-confrontational, professional. Who comes in when told, trains daily, never complains, but simply just isn't good enough.
Yet he is disrespected on purpose. Mistreated, by management, and roundly insulted by fans who have somehow convinced themselves that a man who chooses to collect on a promise made, is somehow without pride. Laughable really. Personally, I think it would show no pride at all if he gives up what is duly and rightly his, to satisfy a bunch of dicks and their fans who have spent the better of 1 year insulting and degrading him.
City bought an England international. The player should have strived to maintain that level of play. Instead, he turned his back on an England career, refused to improve his game, and regressed as a player, whilst earning four times as much in seven days as the average Bluemooner earns in a year. He's been at this for two years (minimum) now, pocketing around £5,000,000 after tax. No complaints from City though, the manager just responded to a question about what Bridge did on a Saturday. Strange that Bridge comes out to defend his actions when he should be nicely set up financially for life.

Bridge has not gotten worse as a player. He simply hasn't. Fans say that partly to convince themselves he is a greedy only after the money guy who doesn't care about football. This is a false claim. In his one game this season, he looked as good as he ever did playing for Chelsea or City early on. He just is not in the plan.

I can think of 90,000 reasons each week.
That is his money! Not City's. His money. It is time everyone gets that. My question is why shpuld he give up his right to HIS money to help City?

quote]No business writes off assets like this. City will pay him while they have to, but try to sell him at the same time, or try to loan him so someone else can pay what they can afford of his wage.[/quote] Bridge is fine with that. So long as his paycheck reads 90grand a week, it is all good. It could be, Winthrop FC paying 1% for all he cares. But for the 3 years of his already signed contract, Wayne Bridge MUST, and should recieve 90K a week unfailingly. Whether CIty want to pay it all or get someone else to do part paying for Bridge's services, is all up to City.
But those asking for a paycut are silly and irrational.

[<br /><br />-- Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:02 am --<br /><br />
BillyShears said:
Dax777 said:
What the hell does "Pride" have to do with this? Bridge should stay and collect every penny he is contracted to get. If City wants him out, fire him and pay the rest of his wages.

Don't know why everyone is so much on the back of players who came to City in good faith. No one put a gun to CIty's head when they doled out these deals. So City should stand by the deals. And City fans should stop acting like 4 year old pricks who can't see beyond their infantile positions.

Just like many before him, Bridge has done nothing wrong. He was courted by City, contracted by City, and promised to be paid by City. That City has now gone on to find others who are better is not Bridges fault. Bridge never advertised himself as the best player alive. If CIty was poor in its evaluations of worth, that too is City's fault. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Which is what City and infant-like section of our fanbase want.

The reason Bridge is on 90k a week is coz City wanted to make it hard for other teams to compete with the advantages of coming to City. But we should also realize that these also has its downsides. As in players we deem unfit or not good enough too will be hard to discard once we have signed them. This attitude that said players should now help us out, is as stupid as it is laughable.

Why should Bridge work in the interest of Manchester City. I say City pay off the contracts of players they don't want, or let them off on a free. And can we stop with the pride argument. It is annoying!

It goes deeper than that. Last week there was a thread on here entitled "Classic Bobby Manc" in which Mancini was applauded lauded and hailed a genius for publicly taking the piss out of Bridge to the press.

Yet if you read this thread every other post is about what **** Bridge is for going to the press.

I've not read the Mail version because frankly, I'm sure it's full of tabloid sensationalist language and overblown rhetoric. The Independent interview I've just finished reading and it's an ok read. Bridge clearly feels that since he's kept his own council over the last year or so, even after being made to train with the kids, that Mancini shouldn't have so publicly tried to humiliate him. It happens, there's no winners, but I certainly don't see Bridge as anything other than another footballer City signed when Sheikh Mansour first came in, who they know want rid of solely on their own terms.
City fans often bend over backwards to give management a break :( They can't seem to differentiate between the club they support and the organization behind it. I make that distinction all the time. Love City First, it's players 2nd, it's coach 3rd, it's owner 4th. But dn't give a fuck about management!
in a way its our own fault for paying over the top wages but at the time we had to do that to get the best players (not saying bridge is a good player ha)

but if your a footballer and enjoy it why would you want to sit on the bench every match and collect your wages, he needs to fuck off and start playing somewhere else in jan.
Thing is; why is he being forced to train with the kids? As far as I can remember, he hasn't rocked the boat unduly. Certainly no more than one or two who are still here. If he'd ''done a Tevez'' I could understand. But if he's been isolated simply because he wouldn't move in the summer (or that Mancini doesn't rate him), then that seems very harsh. That being said, like everybody on here I'm not privvy to what goes on behind the scenes at the club.
He had the chance to go to celtic on loan in the summer , city were willing to subsidise his wages , and he turned it down. This sums up his ambition , not some article which is at least economical with the truth , and its ironic he states bogarde at chelsea as an example , he is doing exactly the same , staying just for the money. He will be a multi-millionaire , but his DVD of his best matches will be a very short one , and i hope he isnt expecting sympathy from a lot of supporters who have to scrimp and save to get to matches around this time of year.
blue62 said:
Mr Bridge, your handicap is at the lower end of your right leg, where you will find a pristine completely unused right peg. To say that you've had a career as a footballer, at the top level and even winning trophies is quite amazing given that you are the most lop-sided, one footed, hopeless waster of a footballer that ever existed. Please go away.

fuck me that is funny!!!!

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