We’re bombing Syria

May is spitting on the graves of all of the soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq.

Wake up people. Assad has not used chemical weapons, he was already succeeding. It was the rebels who used the chemical weapons as warned in advance a few days ago.

Yes, the rebels and their fleet of fighter jets dropped airborne chemical weapons on themselves.

I have heard of worse plans, come on now.
Wrong - export licenses were granted for sodium and potassium fluoride and these are not precursors for the chlorine gas which was used.

Those chemicals are precursors for sarin which was not used but as they are required to produce it that is why an export licence is required. They were sold for metal finishing to a company in Syria. There is no evidence that it has been used to produce sarin.

One of the chemicals we sold them (sodium flouride) is found in toothpaste.

The Syrian conflict began in early 2011 ............why on earth would we sell them anything that could be turned into a chemical weapon in 2012 ? oh wait........... Money
Well they’ve stopped mate and it was four Tornados and they are sat with their feet up now having completed their mission.

The Tornadoes and the weapons they fired were not even fired from within Syrian airspace, storm shadows have a 500 mile range. They would of likely been landing back in Cyprus by the time they hit their targets.

All of this was designed to be extremely precise and target military targets only and it looks like it went very well indeed.
Yes, the rebels and their fleet of fighter jets dropped airborne chemical weapons on themselves.

I have heard of worse plans, come on now.

The rebels and civilians are different fractions. The rebels are the left overs of al queda and the early fractions of ISIS. Think about it logically, why would Assad need to use chemical weapons?
The inspectors are going in today but the WHO have already treated more than 500 people for exposures to toxic chemicals and nerve agent according to this article

I’m sure the reason we haven’t gone in sooner is because they needed intelligence on the locations-of the factories.

WHO haven't treated them, they have been treated locally by aid workers and local doctors and the reports have been passed over to the WHO

That why the inspectors need to get in asap and test independently from people on the ground

The problem with syria is their is so many factions, governments and parties involved that reports are different from all sides and it is difficult to get the absolute truth.

So many interested parties funding different agencies on the ground all giving different stories to fit their agenda.

Jihadist groups
Syrian government

all culpable for stringing this conflict along for self interest.

It is quite discusting tbh that syrians are killed every day on all sides for nothing.

If Chemical weapons are used by assad and his generals or the opposing forces then they deserve what happens, the civilians don't
The rebels and civilians are different fractions. The rebels are the left overs of al queda and the early fractions of ISIS. Think about it logically, why would Assad need to use chemical weapons?

Even if that was true, where would the rebels find military grade chemical weapons and a fighter jet able to carry them? I think logically speaking you are ignoring the facts. The rebels are not a military, they do not have the technology to attack people with chemical weapons so how could they of?

As opposed to the Syrian army who has stockpiles of the stuff and fighter jets which can carry them.............

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