'We are 6th and only lost once all year blah blah'

mike24 said:
FFS stop using other teams short comings to accept ours. Chelsea are 12 points ahead of us but we still hear 'Wigan and Villa beat them!' We got a draw so that means were brilliant...DO ONE!

Good for Chelsea - didn't realise we'd decided to be champions this year.

Arsenal are eight points behind Chelsea - sack Wenger now!

If we get top four this season we will have done brilliantly. If we were 12 points off fourth place I'd be concerned.

But we aren't - we are ONE POINT off fourth.
KenTheLandlord said:
mike24 said:
I don't want the world mate I simply want us to do well and even more so when our challengers drop points....but some fans just settle for mediocrity

Aaaawww, dont be like that, spitting your dummy out, isn't the way forward. C'mon get into the vibe, God is coming all is well. Hughes the Sinnerman will be gone. Salvation is at hand.
By the way, why don't you want the world? Are you happy with mediocrity??? Stone the blasphemer, STONE HIM!!!!!

ken are you a preacher? you seem to talk about god quite a lot!!
Cully said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Hey, don't worry, read my new book "Hughes OUT", we are signing God on Monday so, rest assured, we will win everything forever and ever. Now cheer up and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Yeah, yeah, yeah and God knows as much about tactics as Hughes so he'll waste another £200 million and we'll let him build his own team and we'll give him time to gel and we'll let him bring his own backroom staff (more angels than devils)


I see what you did there, you pulled my leg didn't you? You little tinker. Stop spoiling my weekend, i am happy clappy Hughes out, now my friend, the world is good and God will save us. C'mon Sheik, sign God we want to win a match.
jake28 said:
EXACTLY mate.Cant believe the lack of ambition from alot of our fans.its astonishing.

Half of them probably work for Hughes' PR machine. Corporate shills are everywhere on the internet... 'Mobilise the posters, we've fucked up again! Start a well done Hughes thread for starters...'

New tactic to discredit any dissenters seems to be quippy one liners questioning your support of the club you have followed all your life, but I find it all a bit transparent and it's best not to bite.

People need to stick to their opinions and not be bullied into 'jogging on' or whatever.
mike24 said:
Chelsea are 12 points ahead of us
And what's the problem with that? They're title contenders, we're not. Only someone with their head up their arse would think otherwise.

The target for this season has always been to get as close to the big four as possible. Only the more deluded amongst our ranks would think we've ever been in with a shout of actually winning the title.

Instead of concentrating how many points the probable champions are ahead of us, let's be more bothered about how many the side in 4th place are ahead of us by, ONE, right. Glad we sorted that out.

Some of our supporters really need to grow up. A few quid behind us doesn't make us automatic title contenders. If we're not there in three years then criticism might be warranted, but it's annoying that people who are realistic are said to have a lack of ambition. It's not Football Manager, for f*cks sake.
alextrueblue said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Aaaawww, dont be like that, spitting your dummy out, isn't the way forward. C'mon get into the vibe, God is coming all is well. Hughes the Sinnerman will be gone. Salvation is at hand.
By the way, why don't you want the world? Are you happy with mediocrity??? Stone the blasphemer, STONE HIM!!!!!

ken are you a preacher? you seem to talk about god quite a lot!!

I have been baptised in the river Medlock and i am now happy happy Hughes OUT. It's great. I now live in a world where nothing can bother me, cos Hughes is the devil and the disciples of God have had their say. C'mon, join in Hughes OUT Hughes OUT, don't you feel better? Its far easier to live in a world of fantasy where you don't have to accept anything because the alternative, Hughes OUT, is always better. C'mon Hughes OUT Hughes OUT.
mike24 said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Hey, don't worry, read my new book "Hughes OUT", we are signing God on Monday so, rest assured, we will win everything forever and ever. Now cheer up and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

I don't want the world mate I simply want us to do well and even more so when our challengers drop points....but some fans just settle for mediocrity

RAGS...pretending to be City fans...the mentality with a lot of posts on here makes me wonder why I've supported City for the last 39 years! 4 weeks ago the Rags lost 2-0 to a weak Liverfools side & we've got 'muppets' on here saying we should be fighting for the title with a team that cost £700million to build & has been welded together over the last several years...I expected us to be top 6 at the end of the season & we're doing better than expected & if this is a bad bit of the season then I can't wait til it picks up! Why don't you doubters jump back on the Chelski / Manure bus & f*ck off & leave the team with the true fans who've been with it through thick & thin!!!
mike24 said:
This is exactly the kind of small time attitude that only we could have with such a talented squad. We would have had the same number of points beating Fulham and Burnley and getting spanked 4-0 in all the away games!!!!!

.....and I tell you what's even worse, 'Liverpool are playing rubbish....Arsenal lost....Burnley beat United'

FFS stop using other teams short comings to accept ours. Chelsea are 12 points ahead of us but we still hear 'Wigan and Villa beat them!' We got a draw so that means were brilliant...DO ONE!

A piece of my soul died after reading this post.
jake28 said:
mike24 said:
This is exactly the kind of small time attitude that only we could have with such a talented squad. We would have had the same number of points beating Fulham and Burnley and getting spanked 4-0 in all the away games!!!!!

.....and I tell you what's even worse, 'Liverpool are playing rubbish....Arsenal lost....Burnley beat United'

FFS stop using other teams short comings to accept ours. Chelsea are 12 points ahead of us but we still hear 'Wigan and Villa beat them!' We got a draw so that means were brilliant...DO ONE!

EXACTLY mate.Cant believe the lack of ambition from alot of our fans.its astonishing.

I think you'll find that every fan has the same ambition - to see us become one of the very top clubs in the World.

The difference is patience, i find the lack of patience from people such as the OP here astonishing.

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