We have a winner for dumbest post of the year so far

foley87 said:
carvalho pisses all over terry. terry is just the one daft enough to throw his body on the line. when theres a striker with pace who knows how to move off the ball hes fucked and hasnt got a clue

terry used to get himself out of problems about 3 years ago cause he still had some pace left in him (awaits someone to tell me that hes never had pace). now he just gets stranded far too often

slightly agree. riccy is the better defender, he reads the game well then jt and is a beter tackler. but they r the best partnership and every team needs a duo like that. one who reads is a great tackler with pace and one with leadership qualities, can roar a team nd a bit like a thug no nonsense defender like jt.
riccy is a continental defender as in he waits n then challenges , jt is the classical english brutal defender who goes in to tackels nd throws his body.
all in all in pure defending, riccy is better but jt is the symbol of chelsea and is a leader and they r the perfect partnership.
thats why im sad to see him leave which he might. alex is the same as jt..mancienne is the carvalho type but he still has a lot to learn and that s why i want carvalho to stay cause he can nurture mancienne like him.
jt is not pacy but he compensates that with his knowledge of the game and tackes which is exceptional(not the coms rugby challenge tho ;)

but if u could throw aout 20m for carvalho then i would snap ur hands off

and about the original post, it did make me chuckle too lmao
For people to be slating Dunne like they are should be disgusted with themselves. For 4 years hes been our best player and after 1 indifferent season where he hasnt been at his best, all these City fans coming out of your closets to slate a true City legend like Dunnie is appauling and for people to have the nerve to call other fans Rags on this site is beyond me. You sound like Manchester United fans more and more, day by day. Have some loyalty and stand behind your players you fickle bunch of numptys.
This is one of many idiotic comments, but def takes the prize.

I have read so many comments along the lines of
'if we sign......... Then ned, micah, vinnie, stevie etc will be on the bench.'
Like its a bad thing to sign players better than we have!

Or ones like
'I don't want.... (add world class players name) he's shit, I prefer...(add current city players name).

Just because people watch football doesn't mean they know anything about it! bluemoon has shown me that.
citizens_1976 said:
For people to be slating Dunne like they are should be disgusted with themselves. For 4 years hes been our best player and after 1 indifferent season where he hasnt been at his best, all these City fans coming out of your closets to slate a true City legend like Dunnie is appauling and for people to have the nerve to call other fans Rags on this site is beyond me. You sound like Manchester United fans more and more, day by day. Have some loyalty and stand behind your players you fickle bunch of numptys.
richcity said:
theres about ten "whats that on big ned" threads its getting on my tits
can ric change it to citys player of the year or something different
Thats better lol.
Earlier today I wrote how proud I was to be a Blue when a sizeable number of posters expressed distaste at the possibility of John Terry kissing my Clubs Badge. I obviously spoke too soon. The same people that are now hounding Foley 87 are you the same people who constantly start the " Hughes out " threads ? are you members of the City lynch mob that ruin players careers ? Maybe the Mods should look at instigating our own version of the " Respect" campaign.

In what way is the post Dumb ? At this moment in time, for this Club, far better to keep a future Legend and current Skipper as a squad player and not throw all our "Defensive Eggs" in one Basket and buy a thirty year old with a bad back and dodgy knees who will steal millions in wages from our club. Foley 87 the post wasn't dumb; it was wrong. Dunne is the better option. For the soul and the spirit and reputation of the club if nothing else.

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