We need a new left back.

Downing wins my vote i've never seen such a good left back never actaully play in his preferred position.
all he needs is better cover from the front. he's not a fucking box to box player, so he needs help. problem is we'll probably be play 4-3-3 next season and robinho can't give bridge any cover as we've already seen. extra work from stevie and barry will be needed i think
Bridge aint been up to much this season, but hes not played much football and hes needed time to settle in, i think we'll see a different wayne bridge in a city shirt nx season... well i hope
TaylorWill07 said:
RobinJo said:
Bridge is awful absolutely terrible. He can't defend and is alright at going forward, I'd say top priority this season is to find a decent left back thats solid and can defend.

I'd take any one of these;

Capdevilla (sp?)

Or Downing.

i agree defo needa new left back
abidal and lahm yes
not too sure about capdevilla
auerelio = average, grosso too old and wtf downing? lmao

id go for either lescott or cissokho from porto who looks a class act.

id go for either lescott
as opposed to Bridge? what fcuking idiots some of us are eh? Bridge played understudy to probably the best left Back in the world...

Bridge will be class next season now that we have a proper left footed midfielder to assist him.. him and barry will destroy teams next season
There is all this talk about a host of names but does nobody even think Cristian Chivu is worth a punt? He was linked with Manchester United a few years ago. 28 years of age Romanian, is about 6 ft 1 or something and plays for Inter Milan under the special ones services, If we was or are looking for a new LB to battle it out with Bridge then I would look towards this guy. He is also a wonderful freekick taker and a very good LB, there would also be the Chiellini's, the Marcelos, The Lahms in this world who could all be linked with us, but i'm just saying Chivu is a good LB :P.

After what I saw at Chelsea I though't Wayne Bridge would be excellent in the LB area, the area we struggled in alot during the first half of the season with the Javier Garrido attacking style and Michael Ball going walk-abouts. I think the best bet would be to buy a few CB and one who can also play LB as cover, Like people have said Joleon Lescott (He is capable at playing LB) the same with Chiellini but I can't see us being linked with him again anytime soon. If and when January arrives there has been no improvement in Wayne Bridge's play then I personally would start shopping for a full time LB.
C_T_I_D said:
I'll hold you to that Levets as I do not rate Bridge that highly.

sorry mate... you've obviously never played the game LOL...

Bridge NEVER gets skinned on the outside because he doesn't dive in... all the crosses are from deep... because he always has two on him he can't dive in... the problem is no covering left midfield... Look at the left backs we've had in the last 10 years... none of them anywhere near as good as bridge... Tiatto FFS... Tarnat FFS... Ball, Garrido.... And Bridge is shit according to some city fans... the same city fans that slag Robinho off... The problem with city fans is they need a boo boy... been like that all my tme of supporting them...

Pack it in now.....
He doesn't get skinned because he is never in position to get skinned! He was at fault for several goals when he first came and so many players have had to get him out of trouble when I have been watching him like Onouha, De Jong and even Robinho himself.

Maybe Barry will aid his game and will be the making of Bridge and I'm going into next season with an open mind about this. I'm not writing him off, I'm just not convinced by him so far in his career at this club.

I don't boo him, I'm not even overly slagging him off to be fair (to the extent others do) but at the same time I am entitled to my opinion that if he is to be a first team regular next season then he needs to improve his performances and raise his game.
jimmy blue shoes said:
Think we need to give Bridge a chance.

Maybe with Barry doing some of Robinhos defending he wont be finding himself isolated so often.

Get Lescott at the back and we'll have cover when required.

yeah agree with you pal felt sorry for bridge in the games that he played for us the only left footed player in midfield and defence with barry there and hopefully lescott he should get more cover and hopefully have a much better season

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