We need a United win...

Rammyblues said:
Sorry TH, just can't stomach any rags win, in fact I hope Spurs absolutely batter them, they need to be taken down a peg or two, their smugness and arrogance knows no bounds, everyone keeps saying they are playing badly but will get better, I hope the opposite is true and they in fact go on a real run of bad results and lady luck finally deserts that rag infested ship of theirs.
Our position in the league will be determined by how we play, if it is good enough, hopefully we will get Champions League I don't want to rely on any other team to achieve that object.

Spot on.
Soulboy said:
I'm extremely surprised Tolmie has seemingly conceded the Premiership to the rags... especially after his posts suggesting that we had to stop thinking of ourselves as liddle cideh.

As Bob the Builder might have quipped...Can we win it? Yes we can.

So until then let's concentrate on that rather than being happy for the consolation prize.

"Being happy with being second means that's all you'll ever achieve..."
Hitler. Berlin 1945.

Hitler also said the Third Reich would last a thousand years.
I agree with Tolm , I cant stand Redknapp and the spuds ,and I still fear they may pip us to 4th, I also think united will go through a bad spell , and we will have the chance to get above them with a good run of our own, however one game at a time wolves did us last time and they are fighting for their lives,they have just beaten Chelsea and on occasions we have struggled at home (blackburn etc) so lets keep the run going and lets not underestimate Wolves
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Soulboy said:
I'm extremely surprised Tolmie has seemingly conceded the Premiership to the rags... especially after his posts suggesting that we had to stop thinking of ourselves as liddle cideh.

As Bob the Builder might have quipped...Can we win it? Yes we can.

So until then let's concentrate on that rather than being happy for the consolation prize.

"Being happy with being second means that's all you'll ever achieve..."
Hitler. Berlin 1945.

Hitler also said the Third Reich would last a thousand years.

And that he could take over the Soviet Union in a matter of weeks and ''all we have to do is kick down the door and the whole rotten structure will come tumbling down''

3 hell-on-earth winters and several million German war dead later, he realised he might have been a little bit wrong.

There's definitely better qualified people to quote for their wisdom. Barry Chuckle for one.
i just want city to keep winning , let whatever happens in other games happen, if we keep winning then we will be there when it counts, the priority is top 4, always has been,

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