"We Never Win At Home And We Never Win Away......

We need to sing and keep on singing for the WHOLE match!! As I have said on another thread, we need to have all the chemists selling out of laryngitis tablets every morning after the match until the end of the season!!!

So never mind what we sing, just sing. Sometimes people around me laugh at me because I am the only one shouting/chanting (I can't sing!!!) but it doesn't stop me and they are not laughing at me, just laughing with me and encouraging me. (Although not shouting with me!!)

LOL. MCFC Marketing Plan.....

Marketer (before match): Ok lads, I know you are world class, Silva you have won a WC, but today you will play shit, and wait until the second half when all the old habitual traits of fans creep back in and their self-depreciating humour trends wildly throughout the stadium....

We can then flog all those old retro shirts that Umbro had made in the 80's but no fucker bought, when everyone comes out of the stadium in joyous mood (even though we were knocked out)
Thought this was quality, just what we needed in the second half.

Any song is better than the silence at the end of the first half to be fair.

Also a special shout out has to go to the fella sat near me in 107 who shouted during the first half:

'For fuck sake, even our ball boys are shit', as Dzeko was kicking the ball over to Lisbon players...
ballinio said:
Dannyc_city said:
ballinio said:
A ridiculously stupid song sung by pissed up morons, how on earth could this song lift the players ?

I sang it and I wasn't pissed, and I'm pretty sure I'm not a moron. What was your contribution?? How on earth could this lift the players? Well, it did...
this songs been sung for years, generally by a load of meatheads with 2 pints in their hands at the back of the south stand, usualy 15mins into the second half, blokes with no interest in the game, the score or anything about football, as long as they can get pissed up with their mates nothing else matters, hence the song. Like i said, Morons.
Have you ever had any kind of fun thing happen to you in your life?

I'm thinking you haven't.
The fun seems to have drained out with the death of the Poznan and we have become shit. Its like the players are saying "oi you cunts we are working hard out here at least celebrate properly or we will just fuck it off!
We're Man City we'll sing what we want.

Sung 'Never won' all over the country at more defeats than I care to remember, pure City and helped get the atmos rising.
the south stand is offically the quitest part of the ground, the north stands louder :)

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