Weak Players

BlueTony said:
I do not want mancini out but I was really disappointed with his team selection (SWP FFS) sorry but he seems to have lost it which is a shame becuse I used to love watching him but he really hasn't put in a performance for months. I also was not happy with him playing Shay. I know I will get slaughtered for this but he is not and never has been good enough ( yes I have said it before and yes nearly everyone has disagreed with me) OK the goal of the back of the attackers head was unlucky but PAY ATTENTION, he could have got it if he was concentrating on the play.

I think you must be pissed if you think Given could have got anywhere near any of the goals last night. All three were unstoppable by a goalkeeper.

IMO, I think Lescott is a far better player than Boyata. A few weeks ago I said that Boyata didn't fill me with confidence and then he pulled out that stormer of a performance against Chelsea. I admitted I was wrong and since then his game's just gone.

Richards must be the worst footballer in the Premier league. His positioning is awful, he can trap a ball further than I can kick one and he adds nothing in support of the forward players. A number of times last night he got himself into trouble by being rubbish on the ball and because he's so slow on the ball he then played a centre half into trouble.
If I had my way Richards would never wear our shirt again.

SWP has just gone altogether. I know he's a confidence player and needs game time, but his total lack of desire is there for all to see.
Liverpool beckons Shauny.

You can go through the whole team last night and apart from Given, who had no chance with any of the goals, no one covered themselves in glory. Even Silva who looked good for his first ten minutes, drifted out of the game.

With regard to Mancini's tactics and selection, we know we have an absolute abundance of defensive midfielders, so why did he pick to play in midfield a player who's first position is right back and who's been filling in at left back and also, to play in defensive midfield, a player on who's played all season at centre half?

I am in no way calling for a change of manager, but apart from seeing for certain last night which players cannot be part of our future, there were no positives from last night.
We were 2nd a couple of weeks ago. Blimey you don't want much do you mate ? if you're going to make an argument against Mancini this isn't the best way of going about it.

Back to the weak players bit. These 4 are the standout weak players. Hopefully with time they will be moved on.[/quote]

I do not want mancini out but I was really disappointed with his team selection (SWP FFS) sorry but he seems to have lost it which is a shame becuse I used to love watching him but he really hasn't put in a performance for months. I also was not happy with him playing Shay. I know I will get slaughtered for this but he is not and never has been good enough ( yes I have said it before and yes nearly everyone has disagreed with me) OK the goal of the back of the attackers head was unlucky but PAY ATTENTION, he could have got it if he was concentrating on the play.[/quote]

OMG - This makes me cringe - Goalkeeping is not our problem - in fact our situation is the best in world football - it is the outfield set up and manager who are. I feel more confident with Given in goal than Hart (He is a better goalkeeper all round). You cannot say Given is not good enough - He has been consistently the best goalkeeper in the Premier League for 12 years. Not good enough - don't make me laugh. I am embarrassed that there are c####s like you who call themselves City Fans.
He is/has started to Mould the squad in his own way BUT its nots finished yet by any means. The lack of money around for other teams at the moment has made it harder to offload certain players.

Im sure in Jan/Summer he will offload the likes of SWP, Bridge, Jo, RSC etc who are simply not good enough for a top 6 team let alone top 4 and replace them with better players.

What ever happens, if we lose the next 3 in the row also, we have to stick with Mancini and give him the time he needs. Next season is the 1 for me where i expect the bulk of our team to have gelled and gotton used to the Premierleague and a title challenge, this year we should be aiming at 4th with the players we have, yet not gelled.
The problem is we have a huge squad and he needs to rest the best players for the premiership. So the squad players play in Europa (till we get further on in the competition) and the rest of the time they sit in the stands. I expect they'll be very de-motivated. I wasn't surprised we lost as that was nothing like our first team. How many matches has SWP/Given/Boyata/Bridge etc played this season? Not many.

If Mancini wants to win every game then he should play the best team week in week out. We could afford to lose last night without dropping down the league.

I think Mancini needs to clear out all the 2nd squad so we have a happy 15-18 players who play regulary and understand each other on the pitch better.

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