Weird food mixtures that 'work'

pominoz said:
SteWadda said:
pominoz said:
Banana buttys seem popular here, for kids school lunch.

Surely everyone has had a banana butty?


What an impoverished childhood i must have had, i'll have to try one now, sounds disgusting though.

Banana Butty - a real treat. Try it as a toastie - You'll never go back...
Dumplings that have been in something savoury like a beef stew or pea soup set aside and covered in golden syrup - mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Garlic and Bread. I know, sounds wierd dunnit but just trust me on this one.
johnmc said:
People have brown sauce on cheese. I pity them.

Love it!<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:51 pm --<br /><br />
pominoz said:
SteWadda said:
pominoz said:
Banana buttys seem popular here, for kids school lunch.

Surely everyone has had a banana butty?


What an impoverished childhood i must have had, i'll have to try one now, sounds disgusting though.

Tablespoon of sugar on bananas, lovely.
Slice some thick pieces of Corned Beef, fry them in a pan with a knob of butter and lay them in between two slices of eggy bread and stuff it all in your gob, delicious.
A mate of mine used to do Elvis sandwiches in his pub:

Peanut butter, bacon and banana.

<a class="postlink" href=",_banana_and_bacon_sandwich" onclick=";return false;"> ... n_sandwich</a>

I wonder why he died prematurely?

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