Weirdest places you've fallen asleep?

Blue Smarties

Well-Known Member
10 Aug 2008
Had a few shandies in town last night and popped back for a quick shit, must have passed out as I woke up after about 15 minutes still on the crapper. Thought it was best to rein it in and dragged myself to bed, rather than heading back out.

Where's the weirdest you've dozed off?
Under the pool table in the Pig & Whistle, Heywood.

Bodies all over the place, landlord just switched the lights off, left us and went to bed.

Why did you go home for a shit?
I'd been dragged from Camp & Furnace to a bar which sells £5 quad vods. The toilet there is a cubicle with a door which doesn't lock, once inside you're greeted by a piss covered metallic bowl with no actual toilet seat. I did think to squat but there was no bog roll. Liverpool, eh.

To be fair, I live about 5 minutes from the place.
In a wheely bin in Benidorm, on the bridge roof of the Ark Royal in a force 8, many privets and bushes, shop doorways, the list goes on and mostly drink is to blame
Similar to the OP, I popped over to a mate's flat in Ancoats to use the toilet. Woke up 12 hours later in her bathroom face down in my own sick which had dried and acted as some sort of super strength hair gel.

Fast forward three years and she's now my girlfriend who I share my home (and therefore bathroom) with. Got to question her decision making on that one.
Had a few shandies in town last night and popped back for a quick shit, must have passed out as I woke up after about 15 minutes still on the crapper. Thought it was best to rein it in and dragged myself to bed, rather than heading back out.

Where's the weirdest you've dozed off?
Haha I bust our bog seat every other week giving it zzzzz,s.
Skip on my drive. Had hired a skip. Fell in one night when drunk. Remember struggling to get out and the next thing
i remember was waking up and next doors kids shouting "Mummy there's a man dead in the skip".

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