This is a quality bit of software for those with brightness issues, I've used it for years
Takes a few days to get used to but it has probably saved my eyes years of strain
Installed and wow, made a world of difference, cheers
Still need a few more days to get used to the new Blue Moon. Does age matter?At night your screen goes a bit orange which is why I said it takes a couple of days to get used to but it is excellent and the first thing I install on computers now
Thanks loveThere were already lines there between threads, but they were dotted rather than solid so weren't as easy to make out. I've hcnaged them to solid for you now to make them more prominent, and had a look at making them blue but it didn't look right.
From what you're saying though, it sounds like you have the brightness too high on your monitor. Have you checked your monitor settings?
Thanks for that it's much better nowThis is a quality bit of software for those with brightness issues, I've used it for years
Takes a few days to get used to but it has probably saved my eyes years of strain