Well Well ....interesting read

Brucie Bonus said:
You're all so predictable.

I'm not particularly anti-Hughes, I'm obviously not happy with the recent performances and Hughes has to take some responsibility for them, that's his job. But this kind of "let's have an argument via the tabloids" policy is a joke and as I said above reflects poor man-management by Hughes and his staff.
Does anyone think that Hughes could be sacked depending on the Hull/Blackburn results? I wonder if the owners will give him a blank cheque next month because, as rich as they are, if MH doesn't produce and they bin him at the end of the season then any new manager will only have to start again from scratch. Will they simply tell him to prove himself with the players he has or back his targets in the transfer window? Genuine questions
I thought it was an interesting read, whether Hughes PR spin or not (all too easy to believe it is for some...)

If true (and I honestly cant believe it isnt) about the highly paid professional footballer that has to get his wife to call in sick for him when he just cant be arsed....WTF?
I'm beginning to think the "hard man, tough guy" image Hughes like everyone to think about him is actually a load of bollocks.

why can't this guy hold a press conference and talk to us all face to face, answering questions.

he has to do these snide journo interviews to back his "plans".

even if he brings success to City I'll still dislike his dour, lame, cowardly personality.
Disturbance said:
This info can only have been leaked by Hughes himself (or his coaches). It's pathetic that he feels the need to constantly criticise his players via the press, it's makes the club look even more of a laughing stock. Abysmal management that he is not keeping this all in house, he is desperately trying to save his job by blaming everyone but himself. The twat is dragging us through the mud well and truly.
I'd rather this was kept in-house, but there are sources other than the manager and coaching staff

Sounds like an isolated problem, and I'm glad that the club is not backing down. You do that you end up with 8-1, and worse
Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm enjoying the protesting; too much, methinks, but we all have our faults.
Goats left knee said:
marcos senna.... yes please!

Was the one positive thing about the article. Not a long term solution, but a very good short term one.

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