Wembley 99 Play Off final - 25th Anniversary

Followed all City games that season via BBC world service radio. I remember there was a coverage of our first game in Division 2 Darlington at home? 3-0 Tskhadadze scored that day. The rest of the season for me was just waiting for the score announcement on Saturday or Sunday. That particular day I came home just to listen to match summary on Sunday sport. After Dickov's equaliser I think I missed the whole penalty shootout. What a mad couple of minutes it was.
https://cn.mancity.com/fans/memoriesbackto1999 [Man City Official site China]


The 1999 story is one that us international fans love to share. Back in '99 the idea that City would sign a Chinese player or have fanclubs over that way was way beyond thought

Shenzhen Blues posting for cultural reference and all that

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At 1-0 I was sat there with a glimmer of hope thinking come on City, come on! But we just wasn't at the races. Then my stomach wretched as Fat Bob latched onto the ball.. bang! My head couldn't take in what I was witnessing, I was completely fucking numb. At this moment it was probably the worst moment in my 25 years of being alive. I looked up at about 25/30 lads I was with and they were all come on mate, we're getting off.. NO !! FUCK OFF! I'm staying here I shouted. I then started punching fuck out of my seat..at that moment Horlock scored. Well that just put me on an even bigger downer, screaming 'Why score one you useless bastards' thinking that thet there was literally 10 seconds left or something. One of lads said 4 or 5 minutes or whatever it was then it was a glimmer.. but them ****s had done it on the Wednesday so I was adamant lightening wouldn't strike agian. At one point the ref blew and I genuinely thought it was full time.. about 15 seconds later Goat shot..NNNOOOO blocked.. THEN FUCKIN BEDLAM !! I have never ever witnessed scene's before or since! I ended up about 10 rows down and even got a snog off some bird! It was the best feeling I'd ever had ( the goal not the snog) I knew from that point on we'd do it, it was ours. The only shitter of the day, was, I was having a piss in the underground station and the tube came, I quickly did my strides up and jumped on the train in the nick of time.. My mate then said NNNOOOO! ! You've left the vodka! We'd bought 2 bottles of vodka and about 15 cans of redbull for the journey home. Bad Stretch Ha Ha! Train was so weird coming home, it was almost like we'd lost, it was so quiet. Think everybody was just emoptionally drained. WHAT A DAY !! And 20 years ago today..and my daughters birthday too. :)
I was lucky, I never ever leave early but that day I decided to with my 13 year old lad, half way along a row and making my way out, said goodbye to my Sister in Law who was on the row behind, got to the end of the row when we attacked and Horlock scored, sat down on the last 2 seats of the row and saw Dickov's goal, I reckon I was 30 seconds from missing it all. When Dickov scored I lost my lad under a huge mountain of supporters who were stood in the aisle on their way out. Big smile on his face when he surfaced. Did not for one minute think we would lose the shoot out after that. One of my greatest days watching City. Never left a game early since. Due to circumstances couldn't get a ticket for the QPR game so me and my lad were in Mary D's, at 2-1 going into injury time I turned to him and said, it's over we need 2 goals, he smiled at me and without a word of a lie said "we've done it before we can do it again" 5 minutes later deja vu, he was on the floor of Mary D's with a load of lads on top of him! A lifetime of loving City brings back great memories like this.
Followed all City games that season via BBC world service radio. I remember there was a coverage of our first game in Division 2 Darlington at home? 3-0 Tskhadadze scored that day. The rest of the season for me was just waiting for the score announcement on Saturday or Sunday. That particular day I came home just to listen to match summary on Sunday sport. After Dickov's equaliser I think I missed the whole penalty shootout. What a mad couple of minutes it was.

Tshadadze scored the 3rd but it was Blackpool not Darlington...
Always surprises me (in a good way) how someone like Kev seems to have retained an affinity with us. He's not a local lad (down south, isn't he), therefore unlikely to have grown up a blue, and he wasn't with us all that long, compared to someone like Vinnie. But he still has a lot of time for us. But there's a few from that era who are almost adopted mancs now; the Goat, Dicky, big Andy, Nicky; all sound fellas.
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Always surprises me (in a good way) how someone like Kev seems to have retained an affinity with us. He's not a local lad (down south, isn't he), therefore unlikely to have grown up a blue, and he wasn't with us all that long, compared to someone like Vinnie. But he still has a lot of time for us. But there's a few from that era who are almost adopted mancs now; the Goat, Dicky, big Andy, Nicky; all sound fellas.

I think it’s correct that Kevin was either promoted or relegated in five of his six seasons with us.

I’m also amazed how many former players with no apparent connection have adopted us.
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Always surprises me (in a good way) how someone like Kev seems to have retained an affinity with us. He's not a local lad (down south, isn't he), therefore unlikely to have grown up a blue, and he wasn't with us all that long, compared to someone like Vinnie. But he still has a lot of time for us. But there's a few from that era who are almost adopted mancs now; the Goat, Dicky, big Andy, Nicky; all sound fellas.
He was at City for nearly 7 years believe or not. 232 league games and 44 goals. He absolutely loves us. My mate follows him on Twitter and he loves ripping the piss out of rags and dippers. Love him ! He was our Bernardo back in the day.

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