We're all in this together......

PJMCC1UK said:
strongbowholic said:
PJMCC1UK said:
Ah the old socialist outrage rears it's head again.
It's a meeting of world leaders. Do you somehow expect that they would serve them last nights leftovers or burgers from Farm Foods? I doubt any of the poor you feel so outraged for follow him on Twitter anyway so he's hardly doing it to rub peoples faces in it.

Quite frankly it's not that impressive if we were talking extortionate banquets.
I think it's more the fact he's tweeting pics of the menu rather than what he is eating. What purpose does it serve? Should he not be resolving the world's problems rather than thinking "By golly! I know what they want! Screw world poverty, hunger, war, famine, pestilence and financial meltdown, they'll all want to know what I am scranning down for my evening nosebag!"

I'm sure the press releases from the meetings will answer anything else. This is a twitter account. And there are plenty of people out there who have this thing for tweeting pics of what they are eating.
And this was his full tweet.

''David Cameron ‏@David_Cameron 22h
This is the menu for the #G8UK dinner. I’ll chair a discussion on tax, trade, transparency and Syria at 830 tonight pic.twitter.com/GAWDxvEDkI''

No this is definitely socialist outrage.

There may be plenty of people who tweet pics of what they're eating but all that shows is there are plenty of sad, needy, attention seeking fucktards who need to get out more on the net - Twitter and Facebook being the daddy's of 'look what I've had for dinner, aren't I a **** for taking a pic and posting it for everyone to see'
The fact that our PM feels like he needs to join in is up to him I suppose, the menu itself is hardly the stuff that should instigate any kind of uproar, in fact I have the rotary club at my place every other week and they have something very similar for 19.95 a head.

Can't wait until he shows us all what level he's got to on Candy Crush..
Rascal said:
mcmanus said:
Dave has the seven other most influential people sat down for tea and he's taking photos of the bloody menu and posting it on twitter.

Thats the crux.

Shouldnt he be trying to solve world problems and stuff
Loving the faux outrage.

Fooling no one.
I doubt there's a politician around who knows what it's like to live on a shoestring , or one who's kids struggle to eat ...... certainly David Cameron has no idea of what it's like to get by in the real world , and neither did Gordon Brown before him either !
PJMCC1UK said:
strongbowholic said:
PJMCC1UK said:
Ah the old socialist outrage rears it's head again.
It's a meeting of world leaders. Do you somehow expect that they would serve them last nights leftovers or burgers from Farm Foods? I doubt any of the poor you feel so outraged for follow him on Twitter anyway so he's hardly doing it to rub peoples faces in it.

Quite frankly it's not that impressive if we were talking extortionate banquets.
I think it's more the fact he's tweeting pics of the menu rather than what he is eating. What purpose does it serve? Should he not be resolving the world's problems rather than thinking "By golly! I know what they want! Screw world poverty, hunger, war, famine, pestilence and financial meltdown, they'll all want to know what I am scranning down for my evening nosebag!"

I'm sure the press releases from the meetings will answer anything else. This is a twitter account. And there are plenty of people out there who have this thing for tweeting pics of what they are eating.
And this was his full tweet.

''David Cameron ‏@David_Cameron 22h
This is the menu for the #G8UK dinner. I’ll chair a discussion on tax, trade, transparency and Syria at 830 tonight pic.twitter.com/GAWDxvEDkI''

No this is definitely socialist outrage.
No it bloody isn't. Personally, I don;t care if he eats beef, pork, donkey or hyena. I care he fucking sorts things out. This tells me (whether or not it is his intention) that the menu is something of import when clearly it is not. Get on with Syria and everything else, I don't give a fuck what you are eating and don't want you to tell me via a tweet.

Cheers Dave.

Hashtag Get On With Your Job.

If you can' see that, then you are as out of touch as every other politician in Westminster's swill trough.
strongbowholic said:
PJMCC1UK said:
strongbowholic said:
I think it's more the fact he's tweeting pics of the menu rather than what he is eating. What purpose does it serve? Should he not be resolving the world's problems rather than thinking "By golly! I know what they want! Screw world poverty, hunger, war, famine, pestilence and financial meltdown, they'll all want to know what I am scranning down for my evening nosebag!"

I'm sure the press releases from the meetings will answer anything else. This is a twitter account. And there are plenty of people out there who have this thing for tweeting pics of what they are eating.
And this was his full tweet.

''David Cameron ‏@David_Cameron 22h
This is the menu for the #G8UK dinner. I’ll chair a discussion on tax, trade, transparency and Syria at 830 tonight pic.twitter.com/GAWDxvEDkI''

No this is definitely socialist outrage.
No it bloody isn't. Personally, I don;t care if he eats beef, pork, donkey or hyena. I care he fucking sorts things out. This tells me (whether or not it is his intention) that the menu is something of import when clearly it is not. Get on with Syria and everything else, I don't give a fuck what you are eating and don't want you to tell me via a tweet.

Cheers Dave.

Hashtag Get On With Your Job.

If you can' see that, then you are as out of touch as every other politician in Westminster's swill trough.
Don't follow him then (as I don't).

Taking the picture and sending the tweet will have taken all of 27 seconds. I am sure Syria didn't worsen in that time.
Ifwecouldjust....... said:
Once upon a time David Cameron was known for his deft handling of the public mood. Not anymore. Last night he cheerfully tweeted the luxury menu from the G8 dinner, whilst half a million people are forced to rely on foodbanks to feed themselves. Not particularly smart from a man who is regularly lambasted as "out of touch". But we're all in this together, right?


how odd. I had exactly that in crown café yesterday dinner.
strongbowholic said:
PJMCC1UK said:
strongbowholic said:
I think it's more the fact he's tweeting pics of the menu rather than what he is eating. What purpose does it serve? Should he not be resolving the world's problems rather than thinking "By golly! I know what they want! Screw world poverty, hunger, war, famine, pestilence and financial meltdown, they'll all want to know what I am scranning down for my evening nosebag!"

I'm sure the press releases from the meetings will answer anything else. This is a twitter account. And there are plenty of people out there who have this thing for tweeting pics of what they are eating.
And this was his full tweet.

''David Cameron ‏@David_Cameron 22h
This is the menu for the #G8UK dinner. I’ll chair a discussion on tax, trade, transparency and Syria at 830 tonight pic.twitter.com/GAWDxvEDkI''

No this is definitely socialist outrage.
No it bloody isn't. Personally, I don;t care if he eats beef, pork, donkey or hyena. I care he fucking sorts things out. This tells me (whether or not it is his intention) that the menu is something of import when clearly it is not. Get on with Syria and everything else, I don't give a fuck what you are eating and don't want you to tell me via a tweet.

Cheers Dave.

Hashtag Get On With Your Job.

If you can' see that, then you are as out of touch as every other politician in Westminster's swill trough.

What's out of touch is that you seriously believe every waking minute of a politicians day is spent discussing or thinking about the topics of the world. As SWP said it took all of a few seconds to do this. They talked after the dinner about Syria and have talked about tax enclaves etc. i.e. doing his job.
This is a twitter account. A personal one. As you well know, you are not forced to follow it so don't. And if you don't see this, you're one of those angry socialists who like to jump on anything they can to attack a Tory. And I'm far from ecstatic about Cameron and co myself. It's just sad you are getting yourself worked up about such a petty issue.
Wish i was prime minister, id be tweeting pics of coke fuelled gangbangs and drunken excess daily each followed with a #fuckya'll

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