Were doing the Poznan at Wemberlee

mattbw7 said:
LMAO. is this what you all do. Oh dear it'll put us right off, please noooooooooooo not the POZNAN we can't taaaaaaaaaaaake iiiiiiiiiit...............
Its not like your actually gonna be at the game is it so why would it effect you?
Re: poznan at wembley

gillymcfc said:
By doing it when the rags team starts we have a cue everyone will know and which will mean instead of all starting separately we can all do it together on mass
Well done, here you go:


mattbw7 said:
LMAO. is this what you all do. Oh dear it'll put us right off, please noooooooooooo not the POZNAN we can't taaaaaaaaaaaake iiiiiiiiiit...............

we'd stand their all dressed in black trying to look extremely hard yer know like you lot.

but instead we decided to do something different.
moorsideblue said:

and were obsessed ?!!!

p.s. (listen for when he says the city fans are mainly from stockport in "north manchester" ??? fuckin deluded prick!)
Just got started on for singing this in me local! Luckily there were plent of blues to back me up and we sorted the little munich keeuntt out! WE'RE DOING THE POZNAN AT WEMBERRRLEE! WE'RE DOING POZNAN AT WEMBERLEEE!
Just had a look on Redcafe or whatever it's called. Fuck me. I hate the dirty cnuts. Despise them. I'm sick of it.

It'd give me immense pleasure to see us humiliate them at Wembley and see ginger twat Scholes on his knees crying, fans on the TV in tears throwing their foam hands and plastic hats away, Fergie fucking off down the tunnel to a mammoth amount of abuse from us fans and a massive fuck off party in the middle of Manchester to celebrate us winning the Cup.

I can't tell you how much I want something to shove down these horrid bastards throats and a victory over them at Wembley and the Cup would be unreal. Just think of all the plastic shit heap excuses for supporters that you know who know fuck all about football, have no affinity to their club, update their facebook status' mid-game and would fit perfectly on the end of your knuckles..

For once city, don't fuck this up, let me go mental in joy.

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