We're ruining football again....

Roger Ringpiece said:
You do know that you dont have to listen to it dont you?
I know, I know....but it's on in the background. Sometimes I give it an extended listen just to hear what wind up they're on. Mind you, I didn't actually know that it was a FA rule (as someone has posted), strange that I've not heard Talkshite mention that - or I've missed something because I'm not paying enough attention.

They've now got some twat from the Mirror on - but it sounds like he's having a go at Wenger.
Before the FA rule came in it was down to the two clubs to decide if a loaned player could play against his parent club. I seem to remember United having a couple of keepers out on loan with the agreement being that they couldn't play against them.

IMO there is no way any players should be loaned between teams in the same league. Regardless of whether they can play against their parent club or not it is just not right.
Just sit back and watch them all squirm it's desperation, they know they can't stop us.
Which of these are we being accused of? If they are lumping our spending habits in with match-fixing then they really are desperate.

“I can see lots of red lights flashing and I am afraid for the future of football, which is going pear-shaped in some areas.

“Perhaps I am being alarmist, but we have to face up to match-fixing, corruption, illegal betting, violence on the pitch, racism and hooliganism.”
Oh, surprise, surprise that **** from the Mirror is bigging up the Rags about 8 players being picked for England, and the fact that they develop youth. Fuck me....only 2 of them were developed, the rest were fucking bought - and for a shit load of money as well!

Oh, Saggers is now having a right dig at Ferguson and his stance against the FA. In fact, they're having a right dig at them now.....fair one!
Neil Cuntis was on there last night talking about building a team (United) versus buying a team (us). To be fair to Danny Kelly he did point out that Kompany cost less than Smalling, Toure cost less than Jones etc.

Three non-bought in their team against Spurs, if you listened to Cuntis you'd think there was 11 home grown players in the starting lineup.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Which of these are we being accused of? If they are lumping our spending habits in with match-fixing then they really are desperate.

“I can see lots of red lights flashing and I am afraid for the future of football, which is going pear-shaped in some areas.

“Perhaps I am being alarmist, but we have to face up to match-fixing, corruption, illegal betting, violence on the pitch, racism and hooliganism.”

PMSL - I thought the same thing too when I read that. Platini cites 6 different areas of concern there and none of them are related to FFP!

Of course, his and UEFA's views on FFP are well documented and from what I can see we're doing our best to work towards complying with them otherwise we wouldn't be trying to get so many players off our books. I have my own reservations about the loan system but as things stand City aren't doing anything wrong there. Indeed, if Wenger thought about it, he might be able to pick up a bargain or 2 from us.
Not allowing loaned layers to play against their owning clubs is a Premier League (not FA) rule. It only applies to PL games though, not cup games. So unless we've agreed otherwise, if we were drawn against Spurs in the Carling Cup, he could play.

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