West Brom - Pulis sacked (page 4)

So you reduce the league to how many teams? Think problem is it will never get voted for but 5 down 5 up might just get pushed through.
You don’t reduce any league, you just reduce the financial risk of relegation and give more money to more teams. Think about the current Newcastle takeover negotiations asking for financial remunerations in case of relegation or the player contracts linked to safety (bonuses for staying up, wages reductions for going down). Any team that doesn’t vote for that is either an idiot or an one-eyed tw&t.
You don’t reduce any league, you just reduce the financial risk of relegation and give more money to more teams. Think about the current Newcastle takeover negotiations asking for financial remunerations in case of relegation or the player contracts linked to safety (bonuses for staying up, wages reductions for going down). Any team that doesn’t vote for that is either an idiot or an one-eyed tw&t.

Bottom team now gets 100m plus 4 years of parachute payments of around the same so how much more you going to take from the entertaining top 6 teams?

You could reduce the league to 2 leagues if 16 a premier 1 and 2 but that also want be voted for. You got to make a solution that teams don’t fear relegation as much as they do now.
Bottom team now gets 100m plus 4 years of parachute payments of around the same so how much more you going to take from the entertaining top 6 teams?

You could reduce the league to 2 leagues if 16 a premier 1 and 2 but that also want be voted for. You got to make a solution that teams don’t fear relegation as much as they do now.
Clearly those parachute payments are both not enough (otherwise teams wouldn’t desperately utilise the rubbish football they do to survive) and create an unfair advantage. How much you take off the top 6 is an interesting question. They all have extra venue streams through European games, sponsorship, merchandise both home and abroad. What they are voting for is a more attractive package for the TV companies, similar to the decision put to the old division one clubs before 1992 except on a different scale. Overall are they having money taken off them? Maybe, maybe not but they must see the longer terms problems with the current setup (foreign tv dropping interest due to poor games) and the possible longer term benefits with voting for it.

Yes the solution needs to stop clubs fearing relegation so much, I am sure this will. The idea of a PL 2 has been mused before for this very reason, it just needs a carefully constructed package and probably protracted negotiations!
nothing to do with distribution of wealth. Simply a combination of bad management in most clubs, and a greed to take the money out for themselves. In reality players who are ambitious and of a high enough quality to make this league better don't come here unless they can get CL football. The only way non-top level PL teams (and even top PL teams) can get top players is by vastly overpaying for them. Which player who values their career will choose Stoke over Valencia, Atleti, Roma, Monaco? They wouldn't. So they can have all the money in the world but if they're fighting for 12th nobody top is going to want to go there, only the money-grabbers.

Then it comes back to the poor management. Most of the academies have served up nothing, or complete dross. Who in Stoke's team has come through and looks like a potential England player, or someone who Dortmund, Napoli or Lyon would want to buy if they could afford them? None. Same for West Brom and countless other teams. They produce clogging athletes like Tom Davies and Calvert-Lewin who are a million miles away of the standard required, which is Foden levels. Then their scouting isn't up to scratch because they overpay for names rather than pro-actively signing players 1/2 years before the biggest clubs want to take a chance on them. Only really Leicester who snapped up Kante have achieved that, but even then look at the calibre of kids that Monaco could source and you can see the gulf.

Now through this mis-management in the past few years they've created a 14 team relegation league, where the stakes are too high for them to implement a long-term vision. Southampton, Everton and West Ham had their own little niche forming to seal off the top 10, yet the former has just failed to match its strong vision of a few years ago with the required investment, and the latter 2 have had no vision and splurged a fortune on names who they can't fit into a competent side and are now far worse off than when they didn't spend money.
pardews win percentage at every clubs hasn't got above 36%

He is fucking dire, never understand the same few failed managers getting jobs all the time

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