What’s the most alerts on Bluemoon you’ve ever had

Probably about 2. Haha!

I've been on this forum for nearly 10 years as well. I rarely take part in chats and when I do post something I then tend to move on after as I can never be arsed debating peoples replies to me.

I highly doubt anyone will recognise my user name when I post and I am all in all pretty irrelevant. ( I’m a big deal in the real world though. A really big deal )

I also haven’t got any online Bluemoon friends and I don’t speak to anyone privately so all in all I’m quite pointless to the forum. It just gives me something to look at when I’m bored at work.

I’m the forums Tosin Adebayo.

One day though I may log on to 3 or 4 replies and think, wow, look how far ive come.... 1 day.....
When the news allegedly broke that Kevin Webster was allegedly being arrested for allegedly coming in to contact with an alleged minor I put some information on here that was well to cut a long story shot borderline illegal. I came back from my dinner and all hell had broke loose. I had emails, various tags/quotes, PMs and the lot haha. There had been so my quotes I couldn't delete the post and one of the mods had a big clean up operation on their hands (sorry again)
mine was 5 on 3 posts on the same tetchy subject, got well and truly spanked but hey i am a bigger person for it,i some times wish we had a click like option but that would reduce opinion i suppose?
I’m no longer the custodian of those pics. I got a new phone and handed the old one to mazuma. I hope that they’ve passed it on to someone in more need of it. It warms my heart to think that some guy in Africa can have a break from ploughing his field to have a quick glance at Ms Kelly’s growler.
A poxy 4 or 5 I think.

Anyway, anyone who thinks GDM is a jumped up posh twat make sure you respond to this post. I’m logging off for the night and expect to wake up in the morning to a world record number of alerts...

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