What a club!

That must have been a hell of a buzz for your dad Mike. Obviously, you and your family have difficult days/weeks ahead of you, and I wish you and your dad well. Hopefully, the journey he's about to embark on is as well as peaceful as it can be. All the best. Despite what the media, and opposing fans, would have you believe, we're lucky to support a fantastic club.
Our club is battered daily by the media and general public but on Friday I was witness to how special and wonderful Manchester City really are.
My Dad, a season ticket holder for 70 years is now receiving end of life care at home and has been given just weeks to live. He wasn’t well enough to witness most of last season or any of this but on Friday the club paid him a visit at home with the Premier League trophy!
I’ve not seen him this happy and excited for such a long time and for my family and I it was a truly amazing and emotional afternoon. To see him like that after all the suffering was magical and something I will never forget.
We are blessed to follow such an incredible club. Thank you City from the bottom of my heart
That is a wonderful gesture. Thank you for sharing. I hope your Dad is as comfortable and pain free as possible. Thinking of you and your family.
Thanks for sharing Mike, fantastic by the club that.

The interconnections between the club and the supporters make it so intertwined for life don’t they?
I became a City supporter thanks to my Mum, my Uncle and my Grandad. My Mum passed away 2 years ago, after being cared for in her own home. It happened during a European game one evening whilst me and my lad were at the Etihad.

She wasn’t in any state to be following the game on the radio by that point of the cancer, but I know she’d have loved that if we weren’t with her, the one other place we were, was at the match watching our beloved City :-)

Best wishes for the time you have left with your Dad, pal.
Thanks mate, the whole family are blues because of my Dad and Grandad and it really is an unbreakable bond.
I wasn’t going to go to the Cup Final but stay with him instead. He was furious with me for even thinking that and made it quite clear he wouldn’t forgive me if I didn’t go!
That must have been a hell of a buzz for your dad Mike. Obviously, you and your family have difficult days/weeks ahead of you, and I wish you and your dad well. Hopefully, the journey he's about to embark on is as well as peaceful as it can be. All the best. Despite what the media, and opposing fans, would have you believe, we're lucky to support a fantastic club.
Thanks mate
That’s a wonderful gesture from the club Whatever anyone else says we know how wonderful they are with their support for fans.

Now your Dad and your family have another beautiful memory. I hope your Dad is not in too much pain. Thinking of you all. :-)
Thank you x

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