what a great atmosphere tonight

I'd say that was about the worst derby atmosphere ever.<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:14 am --<br /><br />I'd say that was about the worst derby atmosphere ever.
SuperKevinHorlock said:
Far too negative some of our fans are a disgrace.
whats happend to us? why do we get fucking dirty looks for trying to start a fucking chant! in the south stand aswell!
I was embarresed by the atmosphere tonight what a joke it was. I can't understand people who go to a Derby then look at you loike you are an Alien for trying to sing and oh forgive me swear in a Derby match. You know what you are going to get so why go if you don't like swearing and singing.
Where was the banter!! was doing my head in. to be fair i reckon after last season most city fans were a bit nervous. i know i was i hate those bastards. was waiting for that sucker punch near the end. thankfully it didnt come.
Where do you all sit? I'm fed up with the whole atmosphere was shit blah blah blah. If its so bad do something about it! We tried the operation one end against wigan last season, and it failed so you lot moaning can't be that arsed about the atmosphere

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