what a great atmosphere tonight

malc'scigar said:
Must be taking the piss? Other than a few isolated moments we were woeful, again I am blaming the tension but that was not a good atmosphere

Thought the atmosphere outside the ground and in Mary D's was good, and maybe even up to kick off but after that it was very flat. Only towards the end with the 'come on City' chants did people get involved.
SuperKevinHorlock said:
For me it's all about the moaners:

Over the years we have had different owners, managers and players and the one constant(apart from Betty the tea lady) is the fans (apart from the new found gloryhunters) for me nobody gets on players backs quite like us and no fans show nerves and frustration more than we do. Not trying to be Eileen Drury but the players can pick up on all the negative energy and also the opposition players feed of it. We need a bit of patience and belief.

Nail on the head !! I've been saying the same. I mean I'm not a statistician but what are the chances of us having appointed 19 useless managers ?

It's one reason why the rags call us bitters cos all a lot of the fans do is moan. I mean, we've had no success for 34 years and now after 12 games we are still in touch with the rags and in 4th place and yet still a large part of bandwidth on this board is spent by 'fans' moaning about one thing or another. Doesn't make sense when put in perspective as to how far we have fallen in recent history.

I've no problem with people expressing their opinions but very often it's not what you say it's HOW you say it. For example you saying 'I think Wayne Bridge has been poor for us but I hope he can re-discover his form from when he was at Chelsea' expresses an opinion but gives the guy a chance to still be successful or as I so often see on here ' Wayne Bridge is sh*t, get rid' doesn't really leave the club or the player with anywhere to go.

I'm certain that the fans apprehensions transmitted to the players yesterday so WE have to be more positive and stop thinking the worst.

I know some fans may think its wishy washy bullsh*t but the evidence is overwhelming - think negatively you will get negative results. How can things go positively when your energies are focused on negative outcomes ?
scek said:
I'd say that was about the worst derby atmosphere ever.

A cold dark wednesday night.
Sit down, sanitised singing (you can't sat this or that)
Dare i say it (To many newcomers)
People tend to find it easier to slag off players, than get behind them.

Poznan showed us how it should be done.

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