What book are you reading now / or recommend?

stony said:
Darkslayer book 2

What's it like? I've read the first and am a bit indifferent to it. If it gets better, I might give it a go.

Just finished Ricky Hattons book.
I've been reading a few wrestling autobiographies really; Austin, Bret Hart, Bob Holly, Mick Foley, etc.

Bored of this, I'm now reading a book about the making of Red Dwarf which is pretty poor.

I'm a bit stuck for things to read at the minute and am planning on having a proper browse around at the weekend.
speccybob 8 said:
stony said:
Darkslayer book 2

What's it like? I've read the first and am a bit indifferent to it. If it gets better, I might give it a go.

It's only £1.60 on Amazon for the kindle version so I downloaded the whole series. I got up to book 4 I think. I've enjoyed them so far, but I put it down a few weeks ago and I'm yet to pick it back up.
Worth it for the price, as long as you don't expect George RR Martin it's worth reading to pass the time.
The Secret Race by Tyler Hamilton.

Fascinating insight into pro racing in general and the Postal Team in particular.
just finished: Escape From Camp 14, about a guy born into a work camp in North Korea, the things that happened to him, and his escape into civilisation, about how he struggled with freedom of choice etc. A very good read if a little short.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Escape-Camp-14-remarkable-odyssey/dp/0330519549/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1396469384&sr=8-1&keywords=escape+from+camp+14" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.amazon.co.uk/Escape-Camp-14- ... om+camp+14</a>

Just starting: The Day Football Died. Torino and the Tragedy of the Superga. It's about the all-conquering Torino side of the mid-to-late 40's and how the club has never really recovered from basically the whole of the team dying in a plane crash.

Had this for years so really looking forward to finally reading it.
Reading theatre of happiness by Dali lama and less is more.
Read Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion. Absolutely amazing sci-fi double.

I then re-read Ender's Game to remove all traces of the movie from my head.

Now reading Dune. :)
controversial but just finished 'The Holocaust Industry' by Norman Finklestein

Jeez some eye opener facts there. Read it for yourself is all i can say.

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