What don't you get

The way a lot of people have started speaking. They talk like they are some sort of West Indian gangster. They don’t sound like they are from Manchester or London, they all sound the same. They talk like they want to sound stupid, they’re probably not but they sound like they are thick as two short planks. Please stop and start speaking like where you are from, you’re not a Yardie gangster.
Fuck me! I can't like that comment enough.

Also, why do they have their arses hanging out?
Absolute utter utter utter....and I know ove said it three times already but I shall say it again to emphasise it - what utter utter cunts they look.

And also, why don't kids nowadays hold their mobile phone to their ears like proper fukin humans. Why are they holding it sideways on loud speaker.
Fuck me! I can't like that comment enough.

Also, why do they have their arses hanging out?
Absolute utter utter utter....and I know ove said it three times already but I shall say it again to emphasise it - what utter utter cunts they look.

And also, why don't kids nowadays hold their mobile phone to their ears like proper fukin humans. Why are they holding it sideways on loud speaker.
Blood, Blood, chill, innit?
Strange thing to hate with a passion.

To be honest, I feel the same about semolina as a pudding. But, that’s Semolina for fuck sake. Ruined many a wait in the dinner school queue, as the catastrophe of our pudding filtered heartbreakingly down that line of hungry kids. Dreams of Carmel cake and custard, cut from our hearts. Some wept openly, I vowed that when I grew up, I would use the a yet to be invented communications, to spread the truth about Semolina: Satans Skitters.

And it’s Tatoos with you?

Do you have a phobia? Have you tried Semolina?
Just hate that people with them seem to think they are badges of honour and should be somehow respected by one and all.

They used to be a sign of rebellion but I would now say they are the opposite and people with clean skin are the rebels.

But my biggest phobia with them is probably this to be fair...

Just hate that people with them seem to think they are badges of honour and should be somehow respected by one and all.

They used to be a sign of rebellion but I would now say they are the opposite and people with clean skin are the rebels.

But my biggest phobia with them is probably this to be fair...

i'm not a fan of tattoos, even though my son and his wife have them.
People who have them all over their face/head are just weird to me, and ladies of pensionable age, it's not a good look.
To be honest, I feel the same about semolina as a pudding. But, that’s Semolina for fuck sake. Ruined many a wait in the dinner school queue, as the catastrophe of our pudding filtered heartbreakingly down that line of hungry kids. Dreams of Carmel cake and custard, cut from our hearts. Some wept openly, I vowed that when I grew up, I would use the as yet to be invented communications, to spread the truth about Semolina: Satans Skitters.
Sounds like that should be part of the voice over narrative of the English version of the movie “A Christmas Story”!! :-D
How a horrible term like “gobsmacked” became used in common parlance, even by Americans!

When I was growing up, uttering the word “gob” would get you smacked!

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